Trait capnp::traits::Owned [] [src]

pub trait Owned<'a> {
    type Reader: FromPointerReader<'a> + SetPointerBuilder<Self::Builder>;
    type Builder: FromPointerBuilder<'a>;
    type Pipeline;

Associated types hackery that allows us to reason about Cap'n Proto types without needing to give them a lifetime 'a.

If Foo is a Cap'n Proto struct and Bar is a Rust-native struct, then foo::Reader<'a> is to foo::Owned as &'a Bar is to Bar, and foo::Builder<'a> is to foo::Owned as &'a mut Bar is to Bar. The relationship is formalized by an impl <'a> capnp::traits::Owned<'a> for foo::Owned. Because Cap'n Proto struct layout differs from Rust struct layout, foo::Owned cannot be an inhabited type; it is useful nonetheless as a type parameter, e.g. for a generic container that owns a Cap'n Proto message of type T: for<'a> capnp::traits::Owned<'a>.

Associated Types
