caplog 0.2.0

Capture log messages for testing
//! Utility for capturing and verification of log messages. Intended for use in testing of
//! applications and libraries.
//! Inspired by the fixture of the same name from `pytest`.
//! # Using Caplog
//! The primary functions of interest are `get_handle` and `CaplogHandle::iter`. Use `get_handle`
//! at the top of your test in order to get a view of the messages being logged. After this, call
//! `.iter` on the handle at any point in your test to get an `Iterator<Record>`. This iterator can
//! then be used to view log messages.
//! ```rust
//! # use log::{info, warn};
//! use caplog::get_handle;
//! let handle = caplog::get_handle();
//! warn!("terrible thing happened!");
//! assert!(handle.iter().any(|rec| rec.msg.contains("terrible")));
//! ```
//! # Handle's view of logs
//! Each handle has access to all messages sent while it was alive. This means that messages sent
//! before it is made will not be available via `iter` or any other functions on it. So it is
//! recommended to call `get_handle` at the top of tests to ensure the messages will be scope.
//! # Threading concerns
//! As the `log` interface is global, messages from other threads may be visible via the handle.
//! Due to this, it is recommended to check for messages unique to the test when possible. For
//! example:
//! ```rust
//! # use log::{info, warn};
//! # use caplog::get_handle;
//! fn handle_request(id: u32) -> Result<(), ()> {
//!    info!("Got request from client {}", id);
//!    Ok(())
//! }
//! let handle = caplog::get_handle();
//! let client_id = 12345; // id unique to this test
//! handle_request(client_id).unwrap();
//! handle.any_msg_contains(&format!("Got request from client {}", client_id));
//! ```
//! Due to `info!` and the other `log` macros being blocking, it can be guaranteed that a message
//! will be visible to the same thread it was called on by the time it returns.
//! # Interaction with other log handlers
//! `log`'s interface only allows for a single log handler at a time. In order to prevent collision
//! with the regular handler, it is recommended to put initialization code for it either inside of
//! main or put a `[cfg(not(test))]` attribute on it.

extern crate lazy_static;

use std::sync::Arc;

mod stable_list;
use stable_list::StableList;

lazy_static! {
    static ref _CAPTURE_LOG: Box<Caplog> = {
        let handler = Box::new(Caplog {
            logs: Arc::new(StableList::new()),

struct Caplog {
    logs: Arc<StableList<Record>>,

impl log::Log for Caplog {
    fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {

    fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
        if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
            self.logs.push(Record {
                level: record.level(),
                msg: record.args().to_string(),

    fn flush(&self) {}

/// A single log message.
pub struct Record {
    /// The level at which the message was logged.
    pub level: log::Level,

    /// The message formatted as a string
    pub msg: String,

/// Provides access to the logs stored in Caplog.
/// Access is limited to the time the handle has been alive. Log messages sent before handle has
/// been created and after `stop_recording` have been called will not be visible to the methods
/// provided by CaplogHandle.
pub struct CaplogHandle {
    start_idx: usize,
    stop_idx: Option<usize>,
    list: Arc<StableList<Record>>,

impl CaplogHandle {
    pub fn any_msg_contains(&self, snippet: &str) -> bool {
            .bounded_iter(self.start_idx, self.stop_idx)
            .any(|rec| rec.msg.contains(snippet))

    /// Returns an iterator over the items viewable by this handle.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> crate::stable_list::StableListIterator<Record> {
        // TODO remove StableListIterator type from exposed types
        self.list.bounded_iter(self.start_idx, self.stop_idx)

    pub fn stop_recording(&mut self) {
        self.stop_idx = Some(self.list.len());

/// Get a handle to the recorded logs. Handle is bounded to only viewing the logs available
/// while it is alive.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use log::{info, warn};
/// info!("not recorded");
/// let handle = caplog::get_handle();
/// info!("recorded");
/// assert!(handle.iter().any(|rec| rec.msg.contains("not recorded")) == false);
/// assert!(handle.any_msg_contains("recorded"));
/// ```
pub fn get_handle() -> CaplogHandle {
    let log_list = _CAPTURE_LOG.logs.clone();
    CaplogHandle {
        start_idx: log_list.len(),
        stop_idx: None,
        list: log_list.clone(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use log::{error, info, trace, warn};

    // Ensures that an info level log is recorded and any_msg_contains can see it
    fn simple_any_msg_contains() {
        let handle = get_handle();
        let num_recs = handle.list.len();
        info!("logging message");
        assert!(handle.list.len() > num_recs);
        assert!(handle.any_msg_contains("logging message"));

    /// Verify an error message is recorded
    fn verify_simple_error() {
        let mut handle = get_handle();
        let message = "verify_simple_error";
        // Using the function name to help uniqueness
        error!("{}", message);

    /// Verify an info message is recorded
    fn verify_simple_info() {
        let mut handle = get_handle();
        let message = "verify_simple_info";
        // Using the function name to help uniqueness
        info!("{}", message);
    /// Verify a warn message is recorded
    fn verify_simple_warn() {
        let mut handle = get_handle();
        let message = "verify_simple_warn";
        // Using the function name to help uniqueness
        warn!("{}", message);

    /// Verify a trace message is recorded
    fn verify_simple_trace() {
        let mut handle = get_handle();
        let message = "verify_simple_trace";
        // Using the function name to help uniqueness
        trace!("{}", message);