cap-primitives 1.0.4

Capability-based primitives
mod copy_impl;
mod create_dir_unchecked;
mod dir_entry_inner;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "wasi"))]
mod dir_options_ext;
mod dir_utils;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))]
mod file_path;
mod file_type_ext;
mod hard_link_unchecked;
mod is_file_read_write_impl;
mod is_root_dir;
mod is_same_file;
mod metadata_ext;
mod oflags;
mod open_options_ext;
mod open_unchecked;
mod permissions_ext;
mod read_dir_inner;
mod read_link_unchecked;
mod remove_dir_all_impl;
mod remove_dir_unchecked;
mod remove_file_unchecked;
mod remove_open_dir_by_searching;
mod rename_unchecked;
mod reopen_impl;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "wasi")))]
mod set_permissions_impl;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))]
mod set_times_impl;
mod stat_unchecked;
mod symlink_unchecked;
mod times;

pub(crate) mod errors;

// On Linux, use optimized implementations of `open` and `stat` using `openat2`
// and `O_PATH` when available.
// FreeBSD has a similar mechanism in `O_BENEATH`, however it appears to have
// different behavior on absolute and `..` paths in ways that make it
// unsuitable for `cap-std`'s style of sandboxing. For more information, see
// the bug filed upstream: <>
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
pub(crate) use crate::rustix::darwin::fs::*;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
pub(crate) use crate::rustix::linux::fs::*;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))]
pub(crate) use crate::fs::{
    manually::open_entry as open_entry_impl,
    manually::open as open_impl,
    manually::stat as stat_impl,
    manually::canonicalize as canonicalize_impl,
    via_parent::set_times_nofollow as set_times_nofollow_impl,
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
pub(super) use file_path::file_path_by_ttyname_or_seaching;
    target_os = "android",
    target_os = "linux",
    target_os = "macos",
    target_os = "ios"
pub(crate) use file_path::file_path_by_ttyname_or_seaching as file_path;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux", target_os = "wasi")))]
pub(crate) use set_permissions_impl::set_permissions_impl;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))]
pub(crate) use set_times_impl::set_times_impl;

pub(crate) use crate::fs::{
    via_parent::hard_link as hard_link_impl,
    via_parent::create_dir as create_dir_impl,
    via_parent::read_link as read_link_impl,
    via_parent::rename as rename_impl,
    via_parent::remove_dir as remove_dir_impl,
    via_parent::symlink as symlink_impl,
    via_parent::remove_file as remove_file_impl,
    remove_open_dir_by_searching as remove_open_dir_impl,

pub(crate) use copy_impl::copy_impl;
pub(crate) use create_dir_unchecked::create_dir_unchecked;
pub(crate) use dir_entry_inner::DirEntryInner;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "wasi"))]
pub(crate) use dir_options_ext::DirOptionsExt;
pub(crate) use dir_utils::*;
pub(crate) use file_type_ext::ImplFileTypeExt;
pub(crate) use hard_link_unchecked::hard_link_unchecked;
pub(crate) use is_file_read_write_impl::is_file_read_write_impl;
pub(crate) use is_root_dir::is_root_dir;
pub(crate) use is_same_file::{is_different_file, is_different_file_metadata, is_same_file};
pub(crate) use metadata_ext::MetadataExt;
pub(crate) use open_options_ext::OpenOptionsExt;
pub(crate) use open_unchecked::{open_ambient_impl, open_unchecked};
pub(crate) use permissions_ext::PermissionsExt;
pub(crate) use read_dir_inner::ReadDirInner;
pub(crate) use read_link_unchecked::read_link_unchecked;
pub(crate) use remove_dir_all_impl::{remove_dir_all_impl, remove_open_dir_all_impl};
pub(crate) use remove_dir_unchecked::remove_dir_unchecked;
pub(crate) use remove_file_unchecked::remove_file_unchecked;
pub(crate) use remove_open_dir_by_searching::remove_open_dir_by_searching;
pub(crate) use rename_unchecked::rename_unchecked;
pub(crate) use reopen_impl::reopen_impl;
pub(crate) use stat_unchecked::stat_unchecked;
pub(crate) use symlink_unchecked::symlink_unchecked;
pub(crate) use times::{set_times_follow_unchecked, set_times_nofollow_unchecked};

// On Linux, there is a limit of 40 symlink expansions.
// Source: <>
pub(crate) const MAX_SYMLINK_EXPANSIONS: u8 = 40;

pub(super) use oflags::*;

/// Test that `file_path` works on a tty path.
fn tty_path() {
    use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt;

    // On FreeBSD, `ttyname` doesn't seem to work on /dev/std{in,out,err}.
    let paths: &[&str] = if cfg!(target_os = "freebsd") {
    } else {
        &["/dev/tty", "/dev/stdin", "/dev/stdout", "/dev/stderr"]

    for path in paths {
        // Not all host configurations have these, so only test them if we can
        // open and canonicalize them, and if they're not FIFOs, which some
        // OS's use for stdin/stdout/stderr.
        if let Ok(file) = std::fs::File::open(path) {
            if !file.metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_fifo() {
                if let Ok(canonical) = std::fs::canonicalize(path) {