canteen 0.1.1

A Flask-like microframework for Rust



Canteen is the first project that I'm implementing in Rust. It's a simple clone of Flask, my very favorite Python web framework. The code for the library is located above in the rust-canteen directory, and there is code for an example implementation in the canteen-impl repository.


It's by no means complete, but I'm working on it! To install and check it out, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

canteen = { version = "0.1", path = "/path/to/rust-canteen" }


The principle behind Canteen is simple -- handler functions are defined as simple Rust functions that take a Request and return a Response. Handlers are then attached to one or more routes and HTTP methods/verbs. Routes are specified using a simple syntax that lets you define variables within them; variables that can then be extracted to perform various operations. Currently, the following variable types can be used:

  • <path:name> will greedily take all path data contained
    • ex: cnt.add_route("/static/<path:name>", vec![Method::Get], Route::static_file) will serve anything in the /static/ directory as a file
  • <int:name> will return an integer from a path segment
    • ex: cnt.add_route("/api/foo/<int:foo_id>", vec![Method::Get], my_handler) will match "/api/foo/123" but not "/api/foo/123.34" or "/api/foo/bar"
  • <float:name> does the same thing as the int parameter definition, but matches numbers with decimal points
  • <str:name> will match anything inside a path segment, except a forward slash
extern crate canteen;

use canteen::*;

fn hello_handler(req: &Request) -> Response {
    let mut res = Response::new();

    res.append("Hello, world!");


fn double_handler(req: &Request) -> Response {
    let mut res = Response::new();
    let to_dbl: i32 = req.get("to_dbl");

    res.append(format!("{}", to_dbl * 2));


fn main() {
    let cnt = Canteen::new(("", 8080));

    // set the default route handler to show a 404 message

    // respond to requests to / with "Hello, world!"
    cnt.add_route("/", vec![Method::Get], hello_handler);

    // pull a variable from the path and do something with it
    cnt.add_route("/double/<int:to_dbl>", vec![Method::Get], double_handler);

    // serve raw files from the /static/ directory
    cnt.add_route("/static/<path:path>", vec![Method::Get], Route::static_file);;