canrun 0.2.0

A logic programming library inspired by the *Kanren family of language DSLs.
use crate::domains::{Domain, DomainType};
use crate::goals::{Goal, GoalEnum};
use crate::state::State;
use crate::value::IntoVal;
use crate::UnifyIn;
use std::fmt::Debug;

pub(super) fn run<'a, D>(state: State<'a, D>, a: D::Value, b: D::Value) -> Option<State<'a, D>>
    D: Domain<'a>,
    D::unify_domain_values(state, a, b)

/// Create a [goal](crate::goals::Goal) that attempts to
/// [unify](module@crate::unify) two values with each other.
/// If one of the values is an unbound [`LVar`](crate::value::LVar), it will be
/// bound to the other value. If both values are able to be resolved, they will
/// be compared with [`UnifyIn::unify_resolved`](crate::unify::UnifyIn#tymethod.
/// unify_resolved). If this unification fails, the goal will fail.
/// # Examples
/// Unifying a fresh `LVar` will bind it to the other value:
/// ```
/// use canrun::{Goal, unify, var};
/// use canrun::example::I32;
/// let x = var();
/// let goal: Goal<I32> = unify(1, x);
/// let result: Vec<_> = goal.query(x).collect();
/// assert_eq!(result, vec![1])
/// ```
/// Attempting to unify two unequal values will fail:
/// ```
/// # use canrun::{Goal, unify, var};
/// # use canrun::example::I32;
/// # let x = var();
/// let goal: Goal<I32> = unify(1, 2);
/// let result: Vec<_> = goal.query(x).collect();
/// assert_eq!(result, vec![])
/// ```
pub fn unify<'a, T, A, B, D>(a: A, b: B) -> Goal<'a, D>
    T: UnifyIn<'a, D> + Debug,
    A: IntoVal<T>,
    B: IntoVal<T>,
    D: DomainType<'a, T>,

mod tests {
    use crate::example::I32;
    use crate::{unify, util, var, Goal};

    fn deeply_nested_vars() {
        let (w, x, y, z) = (var(), var(), var(), var());
        let goals: Vec<Goal<I32>> = vec![unify(w, 1), unify(w, x), unify(x, y), unify(y, z)];
        util::assert_permutations_resolve_to(goals, z, vec![1])