[][src]Trait canrun::state::constraints::Constraint

pub trait Constraint<'a, D>: Debug where
    D: Domain<'a>, 
{ fn attempt(
        state: &State<'a, D>
    ) -> Result<ResolveFn<'a, D>, VarWatch>; }

Update a State whenever one or more LVars are resolved.

The Constraint::attempt function will be run when it is initially added. Returning a Err([VarWatch]) signals that the constraint is not satisfied. It will be re-run when one of the specified variables is bound to another value.

You probably want the higher level goal projection functions.


The attempt function must take care to fully resolve any variables before requesting that they be watched. The resolve_1, resolve_2, OneOfTwo and TwoOfThree helpers can simplify handling this (plus returning a VarWatch).


use canrun::{State, Query, Val, val, var, DomainType};
use canrun::state::constraints::{Constraint, resolve_1, ResolveFn, VarWatch};
use canrun::domains::example::I32;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::fmt;

struct Assert<'a, T: fmt::Debug> {
    val: Val<T>,
    assert: Rc<dyn Fn(&T) -> bool + 'a>,

impl<'a, T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Assert<'a, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Assert({:?})", self.val)

impl<'a, T, D> Constraint<'a, D> for Assert<'a, T>
    T: fmt::Debug + 'a,
    D: DomainType<'a, T>,
    fn attempt(&self, state: &State<'a, D>) -> Result<ResolveFn<'a, D>, VarWatch> {
        let resolved = resolve_1(&self.val, state)?;
        let assert = self.assert.clone();
            move |state: State<'a, D>| if assert(&*resolved) { Some(state) } else { None },

let x = var();

let state: State<I32> = State::new();
let state = state.constrain(Rc::new(Assert {val: val!(x), assert: Rc::new(|x| x > &1)}));
let state = state?.unify(&val!(x), &val!(2));

let results: Vec<i32> = state.query(x).collect();
assert_eq!(results, vec![2]);

Required methods

fn attempt(&self, state: &State<'a, D>) -> Result<ResolveFn<'a, D>, VarWatch>

Resolve required variables in a state and resubscribe or request to update the state.

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