can-dbc 6.0.0

A parser for the DBC format. The DBC format is used to exchange CAN network data.
# Change Log

## [6.0.0] (2024-02-08)
- Update dependencies.
- Breaking: PR #13 and #14. Thank you @erzoe and @kistenklaus.
    Replace u32 in MessageId with enum type to raise awareness that the raw dbc message ids contain the extended bit.
    Add `MessageId.raw()` which returns the previous raw identifier including the extended id!

## [5.0.0] (2022-06-22)
- Add support for dbcs with [extended multiplex messages] Thank you @pbert519!
- Breaking: `fn message_multiplexor_switch` now returns `Result<Option<&Signal>, Error>` instead of `Option<&Signal>`.
          This is necessary due to the possibility of a message having multiple multiplexor switches.

## [4.0.0] (2021-11-15)
- Migrate from nom 4.2 to nom 7.1.
- Allow "random" order of elements in DBC. They still have to be in a block e.g. all messages or comments.
- Remove verbose error in returned error
- Return `&str` of remaining unparsed content instead of `Vec<u8>`.
- Mark `DBC::from_str` as deprecated and replace it with TryFrom::from_str

## [3.0.2] (2020-10-28)
- Fix: Allow trailing whitespaces in dbc. Thanks @killercup.

## [3.0.1] (2019-05-17)
- Fix: Allow zero time occurence of BU name
- Remove Cargo.lock file

## [3.0.0] (2019-11-25)
- BREAKING: Pass `MessageId`'s by value
- Cleanup clippy warnings

## [2.0.0] (2019-04-09)
- Change CAN message id type from `u64` to `u32`.
- Update dependencies

## [1.1.0] (2019-01-18)
- Add optional feature `with-serde` and derive Serialize for structs and enums.

## [1.0.1] (2019-01-15)

### dbcc
- Add first version of dbc to rust compiler

### can-dbc
- Fix plain attribute definition
- Replace singlespace with multispace seperators (less strict)
- Allow multiple signal groups in DBC document
- Accept signal-less messages
- Accept lists in message transmitters
- Lists may now be empty