caminos-lib 0.1.0

A modular interconnection network simulator.
# Change Log

## [0.1.0] 

# 2020-11-24
git tag 0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"
git commit -m "Updated metdata for publication."

# 2020-11-23
Changed `Topology::coordinated_routing_record` to optionally receive a random number generator.
The torus topology now uses the random number generator to generate fair routing records to the opposing location for even sides.
git commit -m "Balanced routng records for torus."

# 2020-11-19

Implemented `{Mesh,Torus}::diameter`.
git commit -m "Provided diameter for meshes and tori."
New member `CandidateEgress::router_allows: Option<bool>` to capture whether the router consider the egress to satisfy the flow-control.
Moved pre-request checking of flow-control into a new `EnforceFlowControl` policy.
git commit -m "Moved pre-request checking of flow-control into a new EnforceFlowControl policy."

# 2020-11-18

git commit -m "Added slimfly and proyective topologies for prime fields."

# 2020-11-12

Some fixes for topologies with non-connected ports.
Got the projective topology implemented.
Also implemented the LeviProjective and the SlimFly topologies.
`Topology::check_adjacency_consistency` now also optionally checks a given number of link classes.
Added Quantifiable to `[T;2]`.

# 2020-11-11

More documentation.
Code cleanup.
git commit -m "First commit in the new caminos-lib git."
Begining to write the projective networks.

# 2020-11-09

Created repository `caminos-lib` with content copied from a private version.
Split into `caminos-lib` and `caminos`.
Created and
And using now edition=2018.