cam-geom 0.2.1

Geometric models of cameras for photogrammetry
# Crate `cam_geom` for the [Rust language]

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📷 📐 Geometric models of cameras for photogrammetry

![pinhole model

(3D model by
[CC by 4.0](

## About

The crate implements geometric models of cameras which may be useful for

The crate provides a couple camera models, [the pinhole perspective
camera]( and the
camera]( Adding
another camera model entails implementing the
[`IntrinsicParameters`](trait.IntrinsicParameters.html) trait. See the
[`opencv_ros_camera`]( crate
for one example.

Also provided is the function
[`best_intersection_of_rays()`](fn.best_intersection_of_rays.html) which
determines the best 3D point corresponding to the intersection of multiple
rays. Thus, this crate is also useful for multiple view geometry.


* Extensive use of static typing to ensure no unpleasant runtime surprises
  with coordinate system, matrix dimensions, and so on.
* Serialization and deserialization using [`serde`]
  Enable with the `serde-serialize` cargo feature.
* Linear algebra and types from the [`nalgebra`]
* Possible to create new camera models by implementing the
  [`IntrinsicParameters`]trait.IntrinsicParameters.html trait. While the
  camera models implemented in this crate are linear, there is no
  requirement that implementations are linear. For example, the
  [`opencv_ros_camera`] crate
  exhibits [distortion]
* [`ExtrinsicParameters`]struct.ExtrinsicParameters.html based on the
  type to handle the camera pose.
* No standard library is required (disable the default features to disable
  use of `std`) and no heap allocations. In other words, this can run on a
  bare-metal microcontroller with no OS.
* Extensive documentation and tests.
* Requires rust version 1.40 or greater.

## Testing

### Unit tests

To run the basic unit tests:

cargo test

To run all unit tests:

cargo test --features serde-serialize

### Test for `no_std`

Since the `thumbv7em-none-eabihf` target does not have `std` available, we
can build for it to check that our crate does not inadvertently pull in
std. The unit tests require std, so cannot be run on a `no_std` platform.
The following will fail if a std dependency is present:

# install target with: "rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf"
cargo build --no-default-features --target thumbv7em-none-eabihf

## Examples

### Example - projecting 3D world coordinates to 2D pixel coordinates.

use cam_geom::*;
use nalgebra::{Matrix2x3, Unit, Vector3};

// Create two points in the world coordinate frame.
let world_coords = Points::new(Matrix2x3::new(
    1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // point 1
    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // point 2

// perepective parameters - focal length of 100, no skew, pixel center at (640,480)
let intrinsics = IntrinsicParametersPerspective::from(PerspectiveParams {
    fx: 100.0,
    fy: 100.0,
    skew: 0.0,
    cx: 640.0,
    cy: 480.0,

// Set extrinsic parameters - camera at (10,0,0), looing at (0,0,0), up (0,0,1)
let camcenter = Vector3::new(10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let lookat = Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let up = Unit::new_normalize(Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
let pose = ExtrinsicParameters::from_view(&camcenter, &lookat, &up);

// Create a `Camera` with both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.
let camera = Camera::new(intrinsics, pose);

// Project the original 3D coordinates to 2D pixel coordinates.
let pixel_coords = camera.world_to_pixel(&world_coords);

// Print the results.
for i in {
    let wc =;
    let pix =;
    println!("{} -> {}", wc, pix);

This will print:

  ┌       ┐
  │ 1 0 0 │
  └       ┘

  ┌         ┐
  │ 640 480 │
  └         ┘

  ┌       ┐
  │ 0 1 0 │
  └       ┘

  ┌         ┐
  │ 650 480 │
  └         ┘

### Example - intersection of rays

use cam_geom::*;
use nalgebra::RowVector3;

// Create the first ray.
    let ray1 = Ray::<WorldFrame, _>::new(
    RowVector3::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), // origin
    RowVector3::new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), // direction

// Create the second ray.
let ray2 = Ray::<WorldFrame, _>::new(
    RowVector3::new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), // origin
    RowVector3::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), // direction

// Compute the best intersection.
let result = best_intersection_of_rays(&[ray1, ray2]).unwrap();

// Print the result.
println!("result: {}",;

This will print:

  ┌       ┐
  │ 1 1 0 │
  └       ┘

## Altenatives

You may also be interested in
[rust-cv/cv-core](, which also contains
camera models for photogrammetry. The two crates were developed independently
without knowledge of each other.

## Regenerate ``

The `` file can be regenerated with:

cargo readme >

## Code of conduct

Anyone who interacts with this software in any space, including but not limited
to this GitHub repository, must follow our [code of

## License

Licensed under either of these:

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or