calcit_runner 0.5.0-a16

Interpreter and js codegen for Calcit

Calcit Runner

(Lisp but with indentations.) An interpreter for Calcit snapshot file.

This project provides a runner for compact.cirru, written in Rust for low overhead.

APIs implemented in Calcit Runner is mostly learning from Clojure. Major difference arguments order of list functions.


For Ubuntu 20.04 users, binaries are available from . It was mainly provided for CI usages.

For other platforms, I'm afraid you have to build from source in Rust with cargo install --path=./.

Calcit snapshot & Bundler

Running Calcit Editor with compact=true caclcit-editor enables compact mode, which writes compact.cirru and .compact-inc.cirru instead of Clojure(Script).

A compact.cirru file may look like:

{} (:package |app)
  :configs $ {} (:init-fn |app.main/main!) (:reload-fn |app.main/reload!)
    :modules $ []
  :files $ {}
    |app.main $ {}
      :ns $ quote
        ns app.main $ :require
      :defs $ {}
        |main! $ quote
          defn main! () (+ 1 2)
        |reload! $ quote
          defn reload! ()

But, you probably don't like it. You only to edit code with a simple text editor. So.... there's also command for bundling compact.cirru from separated files:


package.cirru should contain fields:

  :package |app
  :modules $ []
  :init-fn |app.main/main!
  :reload-fn |app.main/reload!
  :version |0.0.1

and files in src/ are source files of namespace form and definitions. By running:

bundle_calcit --src ./src --out ./compact.cirru

a bundled compact.cirru file will be created.



cr run calcit/compact.cirru

# evaluate

cr compact.cirru --once # run only once
cr compact.cirru # watch mode enabled by default

cr compact.cirru --init-fn='app.main/main!' # specifying init-fn

cr -e="range 100" # eval from CLI

# emit code

cr compact.cirru --emit-js # compile to js
cr compact.cirru --emit-js --emit-path=out/ # compile to js and save in `out/`

cr compact.cirru --emit-ir # compiles intermediate representation into program-ir.cirru

cr compact.cirru --emit-js --mjs # TODO compile to mjs


Configurations inside calcit.cirru and compact.cirru:

:configs $ {}
  :modules $ [] |memof/compact.cirru |lilac/

Paths defined in :modules field are just loaded as files from ~/.config/calcit/modules/, i.e. ~/.config/calcit/modules/memof/compact.cirru.

Modules that ends with /s are automatically suffixed compact.cirru since it's the default filename.

To load modules in CI environments, make use of git clone.


I use these commands to run local examples:

cargo run --bin cr calcit/snapshots/test.cirru # a bunch of local tests

cargo run --bin cr calcit/snapshots/test.cirru --emit-js

cargo run --bin cr -- -e 'range 100'

cargo run --bin cr calcit/compact.cirru # this example combined with calcit-editor

Older version

This interpreter was first implemented in Nim and then switch to Rust. Main change is the order of arguments where operands are now placed at first.
