calamine 0.14.4

An Excel/OpenDocument Spreadsheets reader and deserializer in pure rust
//! Coumpound File Binary format MS-CFB

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::Read;

use encoding_rs::{Encoding, UTF_16LE};

use utils::*;

const FREESECT: u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

/// A Cfb specific error enum
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum CfbError {
    #[fail(display = "{}", _0)]
    Io(#[cause] ::std::io::Error),

    #[fail(display = "Invalid OLE signature (not an office document?)")]
    #[fail(display = "Empty Root directory")]
    #[fail(display = "Cannot find {} stream", _0)]
    #[fail(display = "Invalid {}, expecting {} found {:X}", name, expected, found)]
    Invalid {
        name: &'static str,
        expected: &'static str,
        found: u16,
    #[fail(display = "Codepage {:X} not found", _0)]

/// A struct for managing Compound File Binary format
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Cfb {
    directories: Vec<Directory>,
    sectors: Sectors,
    fats: Vec<u32>,
    mini_sectors: Sectors,
    mini_fats: Vec<u32>,

impl Cfb {
    /// Create a new `Cfb`
    /// Starts reading project metadata (header, directories, sectors and minisectors).
    pub fn new<R: Read>(mut reader: &mut R, len: usize) -> Result<Cfb, CfbError> {
        // load header
        let (h, mut difat) = Header::from_reader(&mut reader)?;
        let mut sectors = Sectors::new(h.sector_size, Vec::with_capacity(len));

        // load fat and dif sectors
        debug!("load difat");
        let mut sector_id = h.difat_start;
        while sector_id < RESERVED_SECTORS {
            difat.extend_from_slice(to_u32(sectors.get(sector_id, reader)?));
            sector_id = difat.pop().unwrap(); //TODO: check if in infinite loop

        // load the FATs
        debug!("load fat");
        let mut fats = Vec::with_capacity(h.fat_len);
        for id in difat.into_iter().filter(|id| *id != FREESECT) {
            fats.extend_from_slice(to_u32(sectors.get(id, reader)?));

        // get the list of directory sectors
        debug!("load directories");
        let dirs = sectors.get_chain(h.dir_start, &fats, reader, h.dir_len * h.sector_size)?;
        let dirs = dirs
            .map(|c| Directory::from_slice(c, h.sector_size))

        if dirs.is_empty() || (h.version != 3 && dirs[0].start == ENDOFCHAIN) {
            return Err(CfbError::EmptyRootDir);
        debug!("{:?}", dirs);

        // load the mini streams
        debug!("load minis");
        let ministream = sectors.get_chain(dirs[0].start, &fats, reader, dirs[0].len)?;
        let minifat = sectors.get_chain(
            h.mini_fat_len * h.sector_size,
        let minifat = to_u32(&minifat).to_vec();
        Ok(Cfb {
            directories: dirs,
            sectors: sectors,
            fats: fats,
            mini_sectors: Sectors::new(64, ministream),
            mini_fats: minifat,

    /// Checks if directory exists
    pub fn has_directory(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
        self.directories.iter().any(|d| &* == name)

    /// Gets a stream by name out of directories
    pub fn get_stream<R: Read>(&mut self, name: &str, r: &mut R) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CfbError> {
        match self.directories.iter().find(|d| &* == name) {
            None => Err(CfbError::StreamNotFound(name.to_string())),
            Some(d) => {
                if d.len < 4096 {
                    // TODO: Study the possibility to return a `VecArray` (stack allocated)
                        .get_chain(d.start, &self.mini_fats, r, d.len)
                } else {
                    self.sectors.get_chain(d.start, &self.fats, r, d.len)

/// A hidden struct which defines cfb files structure
struct Header {
    version: u16,
    sector_size: usize,
    dir_len: usize,
    dir_start: u32,
    fat_len: usize,
    mini_fat_len: usize,
    mini_fat_start: u32,
    difat_start: u32,

impl Header {
    fn from_reader<R: Read>(f: &mut R) -> Result<(Header, Vec<u32>), CfbError> {
        let mut buf = [0u8; 512];
        f.read_exact(&mut buf).map_err(CfbError::Io)?;

        // check ole signature
        if read_slice::<u64>(buf.as_ref()) != 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 {
            return Err(CfbError::Ole);

        let version = read_u16(&buf[26..28]);

        let sector_size = match read_u16(&buf[30..32]) {
            0x0009 => 512,
            0x000C => {
                // sector size is 4096 bytes, but header is 512 bytes,
                // so the remaining sector bytes have to be read
                let mut buf_end = [0u8; 3584];
                f.read_exact(&mut buf_end).map_err(CfbError::Io)?;
            s => {
                return Err(CfbError::Invalid {
                    name: "sector shift",
                    expected: "0x09 or 0x0C",
                    found: s,

        if read_u16(&buf[32..34]) != 0x0006 {
            return Err(CfbError::Invalid {
                name: "minisector shift",
                expected: "0x06",
                found: read_u16(&buf[32..34]),

        let dir_len = read_usize(&buf[40..44]);
        let fat_len = read_usize(&buf[44..48]);
        let dir_start = read_u32(&buf[48..52]);
        let mini_fat_start = read_u32(&buf[60..64]);
        let mini_fat_len = read_usize(&buf[64..68]);
        let difat_start = read_u32(&buf[68..72]);
        let difat_len = read_usize(&buf[62..76]);

        let mut difat = Vec::with_capacity(difat_len);

            Header {
                version: version,
                sector_size: sector_size,
                dir_len: dir_len,
                fat_len: fat_len,
                dir_start: dir_start,
                mini_fat_len: mini_fat_len,
                mini_fat_start: mini_fat_start,
                difat_start: difat_start,

/// A struct corresponding to the elementary block of memory
/// `data` will persist in memory to ensure the file is read once
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Sectors {
    data: Vec<u8>,
    size: usize,

impl Sectors {
    fn new(size: usize, data: Vec<u8>) -> Sectors {
        Sectors {
            data: data,
            size: size,

    fn get<R: Read>(&mut self, id: u32, r: &mut R) -> Result<&[u8], CfbError> {
        let start = id as usize * self.size;
        let end = start + self.size;
        if end > {
            let len =;
            unsafe {

    fn get_chain<R: Read>(
        &mut self,
        mut sector_id: u32,
        fats: &[u32],
        r: &mut R,
        len: usize,
    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CfbError> {
        let mut chain = if len > 0 {
        } else {
        while sector_id != ENDOFCHAIN {
            chain.extend_from_slice(self.get(sector_id, r)?);
            sector_id = fats[sector_id as usize];
        if len > 0 {

/// A struct representing sector organizations, behaves similarly to a tree
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Directory {
    name: String,
    start: u32,
    len: usize,

impl Directory {
    fn from_slice(buf: &[u8], sector_size: usize) -> Directory {
        let mut name = UTF_16LE.decode(&buf[..64]).0.into_owned();
        if let Some(l) = name.as_bytes().iter().position(|b| *b == 0) {
        let start = read_u32(&buf[116..120]);
        let len = if sector_size == 512 {
            read_slice::<u32>(&buf[120..124]) as usize
        } else {
            read_slice::<u64>(&buf[120..128]) as usize

        Directory {
            start: start,
            len: len,
            name: name,

/// Decompresses stream
pub fn decompress_stream(s: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, CfbError> {
    const POWER_2: [usize; 16] = [
        1 << 1,
        1 << 2,
        1 << 3,
        1 << 4,
        1 << 5,
        1 << 6,
        1 << 7,
        1 << 8,
        1 << 9,
        1 << 10,
        1 << 11,
        1 << 12,
        1 << 13,
        1 << 14,
        1 << 15,

    debug!("decompress stream");
    let mut res = Vec::new();

    if s[0] != 0x01 {
        return Err(CfbError::Invalid {
            name: "signature",
            expected: "0x01",
            found: s[0] as u16,

    let mut i = 1;
    while i < s.len() {
        let chunk_header = read_u16(&s[i..]);
        i += 2;

        // each 'chunk' is 4096 wide, let's reserve that space
        let start = res.len();

        let chunk_size = chunk_header & 0x0FFF;
        let chunk_signature = (chunk_header & 0x7000) >> 12;
        let chunk_flag = (chunk_header & 0x8000) >> 15;

        assert_eq!(chunk_signature, 0b011, "i={}, len={}", i, s.len());

        if chunk_flag == 0 {
            // uncompressed
            res.extend_from_slice(&s[i..i + 4096]);
            i += 4096;
        } else {
            let mut chunk_len = 0;
            let mut buf = [0u8; 4096];
            'chunk: loop {
                if i >= s.len() {

                let bit_flags = s[i];
                i += 1;
                chunk_len += 1;

                for bit_index in 0..8 {
                    if chunk_len > chunk_size {
                        break 'chunk;

                    if (bit_flags & (1 << bit_index)) == 0 {
                        // literal token
                        i += 1;
                        chunk_len += 1;
                    } else {
                        // copy token
                        let token = read_u16(&s[i..]);
                        i += 2;
                        chunk_len += 2;

                        let decomp_len = res.len() - start;
                        let bit_count = (4..16).find(|i| POWER_2[*i] >= decomp_len).unwrap();
                        let len_mask = 0xFFFF >> bit_count;
                        let mut len = (token & len_mask) as usize + 3;
                        let offset = ((token & !len_mask) >> (16 - bit_count)) as usize + 1;

                        while len > offset {
                            buf[..offset].copy_from_slice(&res[res.len() - offset..]);
                            len -= offset;
                            .copy_from_slice(&res[res.len() - offset..res.len() - offset + len]);

pub struct XlsEncoding {
    encoding: &'static Encoding,
    pub high_byte: Option<bool>, // None if single byte encoding

impl XlsEncoding {
    pub fn from_codepage(codepage: u16) -> Result<XlsEncoding, CfbError> {
        let e = encoding_from_windows_code_page(codepage as usize)
            .ok_or_else(|| CfbError::CodePageNotFound(codepage))?;
        let high_byte = match codepage {
            | 65000
            | 65001
            | 20866
            | 21866
            | 10000
            | 10007
            | 874
            | 1250...1258
            | 28591...28605 => None, // SingleByte encodings
            _ => Some(false),

        Ok(XlsEncoding {
            encoding: e,
            high_byte: high_byte,

    pub fn decode_to(&self, stream: &[u8], len: usize, s: &mut String) -> (usize, usize) {
        let (l, ub, bytes) = match self.high_byte {
            None => {
                let l = min(stream.len(), len);
                (l, l, Cow::Borrowed(&stream[..l]))
            Some(false) => {
                let l = min(stream.len(), len);

                // add 0x00 high bytes to unicodes
                let mut bytes = vec![0; l * 2];
                for (i, sce) in stream.iter().take(l).enumerate() {
                    bytes[2 * i] = *sce;
                (l, l, Cow::Owned(bytes))
            Some(true) => {
                let l = min(stream.len() / 2, len);
                (l, 2 * l, Cow::Borrowed(&stream[..2 * l]))

        (l, ub)

    pub fn decode_all(&self, stream: &[u8]) -> String {
        let mut s = String::with_capacity(stream.len());
        let _ = self.decode_to(stream, stream.len(), &mut s);