cage 0.3.6

Develop multi-pod docker-compose apps
//! Various commands which can be performed on a project, corresponding to
//! CLI entry points.
//! To gain access to all commands at once:
//! ```
//! use cage::cmd::*;
//! ```

// We're allowed to print things to the user in the `cmd` submodule.

pub use self::compose::CommandCompose;
pub use self::exec::CommandExec;
pub use self::generate::CommandGenerate;
pub use self::logs::CommandLogs;
pub use self::pull::CommandPull;
pub use self::run::CommandRun;
pub use self::run_script::CommandRunScript;
pub use self::source::CommandSource;
pub use self::status::CommandStatus;
pub use self::up::CommandUp;

mod compose;
mod exec;
mod generate;
mod logs;
mod pull;
mod run;
mod run_script;
mod source;
mod status;
mod up;