cage 0.3.6

Develop multi-pod docker-compose apps
name: "cage"
  - "VersionlessSubcommands"
  - "ColoredHelp"
  - "SubcommandRequiredElseHelp"
  - project-name:
      short: "p"
      long: "project-name"
      value_name: "PROJECT_NAME"
      help: "The name of this project.  Defaults to the current directory name."
  - target:
      long: "target"
      value_name: "TARGET"
      help: "Override settings with values from the specified subdirectory of `pods/targets`.  Defaults to `development` unless running tests."
  - default-tags:
      long: "default-tags"
      value_name: "TAG_FILE"
      help: "A list of tagged image names, one per line, to be used as defaults for images."
about: "Develop complex projects with lots of Docker services"
after_help: |
  To create a new project:

      cage new myproj

  From inside a project directory:

      cage pull                      # Download images for the a project
      cage up --init                 # Start the app, initializing the database
      cage status                    # Get an overview of the project

  Access your application at http://localhost:3000/.  To download and edit
  the source code for your application, run:

      cage source ls                 # List available service source code
      cage source mount rails_hello  # Clone source and configure mounts
      cage up                        # Restart any affected services
      cage status                    # See how things have changed

  Now create `src/rails_hello/public/index.html` and reload in your browser.

  Cage is copyright 2016 by Faraday, Inc., and distributed under either the
  Apache 2.0 or MIT license. For more information, see
  - sysinfo:
      about: "Print information about the system"
      # Hide this for now until we decide what form it should take.
      hidden: true
  - new:
      about: "Create a directory containing a new project"
        - NAME:
            value_name: "NAME"
            required: true
            help: "The name of the new project"
  - status:
      about: "Print out the status of the current project"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: &pod_or_service
            value_name: "POD_OR_SERVICE"
            multiple: true
            help: "Pod or service names.  Defaults to all."
  - build:
      about: "Build images for the containers associated with this project"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - pull:
      about: "Build images for the containers associated with this project"
        - quiet:
            long: "quiet"
            short: "q"
            help: "Don't show download progress"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - up:
      about: "Run project"
        - init:
            long: "init"
            help: "Run any pod initialization commands (for first startup)"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - restart:
      about: "Restart all services associated with this project"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - stop:
      about: "Stop all containers associated with this project"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - rm:
      about: "Remove the containers associated with a pod or service"
        - force:
            short: "f"
            long: "force"
            help: "Remove without confirming first"
        - remove-volumes:
            short: "v"
            help: "Remove anonymous volumes associated with containers"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - run:
      about: "Run a specific pod as a one-shot task"
        - "TrailingVarArg"
        - detached: &detached
            short: "d"
            help: "Run command detached in background"
        - user: &user
            long: "user"
            value_name: "USER"
            help: "User as which to run a command"
        - no-allocate-tty: &notty
            short: "T"
            help: "Do not allocate a TTY when running a command"
        - entrypoint: &entrypoint
            long: "entrypoint"
            value_name: "ENTRYPOINT"
            help: "Override the entrypoint of the service"
        - environment: &environment
            short: "e"
            value_names: ["KEY", "VAL"]
            multiple: true
            number_of_values: 2
            value_delimiter: "="
            help: "Set an environment variable in the container"
        - SERVICE: &service
            value_name: "SERVICE"
            required: true
            help: "The name of the service, either as `pod/service`, or as just `service` if unique"
        - COMMAND: &command
            value_name: "COMMAND"
            required: false
            multiple: true
            help: "The command to run, with any arguments"
  - run-script:
      about: "Run a named script defined in metadata for specified pods or services"
        - no-deps: &nodeps
            long: "--no-deps"
            help: "Do not start linked services when running scripts"
        - SCRIPT_NAME:
            value_name: "SCRIPT_NAME"
            required: true
            help: "The named script to run"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service
  - exec:
      about: "Run a command inside an existing container"
        - "TrailingVarArg"
        - detached: *detached
        - user: *user
        - no-allocate-tty: *notty
        - privileged: &privileged
            long: "privileged"
            help: "Run a command with elevated privileges"
        - SERVICE: *service
        - COMMAND:
            value_name: "COMMAND"
            required: true
            multiple: true
            help: "The command to run, with any arguments"
  - shell:
      about: "Run an interactive shell inside a running container"
        - detached: *detached
        - user: *user
        - no-allocate-tty: *notty
        - privileged: *privileged
        - SERVICE: *service
  - test:
      about: "Run the tests associated with a service, if any"
        - "TrailingVarArg"
        - export-test-output:
            long: "--export-test-output"
            help: "Copy container's $WORKDIR/test_output to $PROJECT_DIR/test_output"
        - SERVICE: *service
        - COMMAND: *command
      after_help: |
        To enable tests for a service, add a label with the test command.
        Assuming your service uses rspec, this might look like:

                io.fdy.cage.test: "rspec"

        Run this test command using:

            cage test myservice

        To run only a subset of your tests, you can also pass a custom test

            cage test myservice rspec spec/my_new_feature_spec.rb

  - logs:
      about: "Display logs for a service"
        - follow:
            short: "f"
            help: "Follow log output"
        - number:
            long: "tail"
            value_name: "NUMBER"
            help: "Number of lines from end of output to display"
        - POD_OR_SERVICE: *pod_or_service

  - source:
      about: "Commands for working with git repositories and local source trees"
        - "SubcommandRequiredElseHelp"
        - ls:
            about: "List all known source tree aliases and URLs"
        - clone:
            about: "Clone a git repository using its short alias and mount it into the containers that use it"
              - ALIAS:
                  value_name: "ALIAS"
                  required: true
                  help: "The short alias of the repo to clone (see `source list`)"
        - mount:
            about: "Mount a source tree into the containers that use it"
            args: &mount_args
              - ALIASES:
                  value_name: "ALIASES"
                  multiple: true
                  min_values: 1
                  help: "The short aliases of the source trees to operate on (see `source list`)"
              - ALL:
                  long: "all"
                  short: "a"
                  help: "Operate on all source trees"
            groups: &mount_groups
              - sources:
                  # Make these arguments mutally exclusive.
                    - ALIASES
                    - ALL
                  required: true
        - unmount:
            about: "Unmount a local source tree from all containers"
            args: *mount_args
            groups: *mount_groups
  - generate:
      about: "Commands for generating new source files"
        - "SubcommandRequiredElseHelp"
        - completion:
            about: "Generate shell autocompletion support"
              - SHELL:
                  value_name: "SHELL"
                    - "bash"
                    - "fish"
                  required: true
                  help: "The name of shell for which to generate an autocompletion script"
            after_help: |
              To set up shell auto-completion for bash:

                  cage generate completion bash
                  source cage.bash-completion

              And set up your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile to source this file on
              each login.

              To set up shell auto-completion for fish:

                  cage generate completion fish
                  mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/completions
                  mv ~/.config/fish/completions
        - secrets:
            about: "Generate config/secrets.yml for local secret storage"
        - vault:
            about: "Generate config/vault.yml for fetching secrets from vault"
  - export:
      about: "Export project as flattened *.yml files"
        - DIR:
            value_name: "DIR"
            required: true
            help: "The name of the directory to create"