cadence 0.19.1

An extensible Statsd client for Rust
# Changelog

## [v0.19.1] - 2019-10-12
* Minor documentation improvements.

## [v0.19.0] - 2019-10-06
* Fix cases where sending large payloads (a single metric larger than a UDP
  packet while using the buffered UDP sink) caused an extra UDP packet to be
  sent containing only a newline per [#87]
* Add support for emitting metrics over a Unix socket via the new `UnixMetricSink`
  and `BufferedUnixMetricSink` per [#86]
  thanks to Daniel Smith.
* Deprecate the `StatsdClient::from_udp_host` constructor which will be removed
  in a future release. Users are encouraged to use the `::from_sink()` and `::builder()`
  constructors instead.
* All Cadence examples (in the `examples` directory) are now available under
  the [CC0]
  agreement (basically public domain even in countries with no such concept).

## [v0.18.0] - 2019-07-31
* Allow empty strings to be use for metric prefixes. Previously, this would
  result in metrics with a leading `.`, now an empty prefix results in just
  the bare metric key.
* **Breaking change** - Update Cadence to build with Rust 2018 per
  [#82] Note that Cadence should
  still work fine with Rust 2015 code bases as well as Rust 2018 code bases. This
  is marked as a breaking change but will likely not require changes for most
  users. See the
  [Rust edition docs]
  for more information.

## [v0.17.1] - 2019-03-30
* Replace internal use of crossbeam `MsQueue` with channels from the 
  `crossbeam_channel` crate per [#79]
  This change improves performance of the `QueuingMetricSink`, reducing
  the time taken to submit a metric by about 50%. This is a non-breaking

## [v0.16.0] - 2018-12-07
* **Breaking change** - Require that all sinks and error handlers used with
  `StatsdClient` are panic safe, that is, they implement `RefUnwindSafe` per
  [#77] Note that all sinks
  included with Cadence are panic safe so this shouldn't be much of a change
  for many users. See also [Rust #54768]
  for more information about the reasoning for the change.

## [v0.15.1] - 2018-07-19
* Update Cadence crate to forbid any uses of `unsafe {}` code.
* Minor documentation improvements.

## [v0.15.0] - 2018-07-12
* **Breaking change** - Add support for `Set` metric types. Sets can be used
  to count the number of unique occurences of an event. Per
* Updated dependency on `crossbeam` to the latest version (0.3.2).

## [v0.14.0] - 2018-04-11
* **Breaking change** - Rename the `MetricBuilder::send()` method to
  `MetricBuilder::try_send()` and create a new `.send()` method that discards
  successful results and invokes a custom handler for error results. Handlers
  can be set by using a builder via the `StatsdClient::builder()` method.
  Per [#65]

## [v0.13.2] - 2018-03-13
* Warn when `MetricBuilder` instances aren't used when adding tags to metrics
  per [#63]

## [v0.13.1] - 2018-02-07
* Minor documentation improvements.

## [v0.13.0] - 2018-02-06
* **Breaking change** - Added `_with_tags` method variants to all traits for
  emitting metrics (`Counted`, `Timed`, `Gauged`, `Metered`, `Histogrammed`)
  per [#41] These methods will
  return a `MetricBuilder` instance that can be used to add
  [Datadog] style tags to
  metrics. Tags are an extension so they may not be supported by all Statsd
* The `Metric` trait (which is used by each type of metric object for returning
  a `&str` representation of itself) is now part of the public API.

## [v0.12.2] - 2017-11-29
* Fix off-by-one bug in underlying functionality for `BufferedUdpSink`
  that would have caused extra writes to the UDP socket per

## [v0.12.1] - 2017-09-21
* Minor documentation improvements and code cleanup.

## [v0.12.0] - 2017-02-09
* Add new `time_duration` method to `Timed` trait per
  [#48] This allows users to record
  timings using the `Duration` struct from the standard library.
* Add examples of Cadence usage per [#36]

## [v0.11.0] - 2017-01-18
* **Breaking change** - Remove deprecated `AsyncMetricSink` per
  [#47] Users are encouraged to
  switch to `QueuingMetricSink` instead. `QueuingMetricSink` has similar performance,
  emits metrics asynchronously in another thread, and has a more ergonomic signature
  (not requiring a generic parameter for the wrapped sink).
* **Breaking change** - Remove the generic parameter `T` from the `StatsdClient` per
  [#45] Instead of requiring all users
  of the client to care about the `MetricSink` implementation, put it behind an `Arc`
  pointer in the client and remove the type `T` from the signature. This makes the
  client easier to use and share between threads.
* Remove use of `Arc` inside various sinks per [#35]

## [v0.10.0] - 2017-01-08
* **Breaking change** - Remove deprecated `ConsoleMetricSink` and `LoggingMetricSink`
  per [#46] Users wishing to still use
  these sinks are encouraged to
  [copy the code]
  into their own projects or use Cadence version 0.9.1 until they migrate away from them.
* Deprecate `AsyncMetricSink` per [#34]
  Anyone still using `AsyncMetricSink` is encouraged to switch to `QueuingMetricSink`
  instead. Performance should be comparable but `QueuingMetricSink` can be shared
  between threads without requiring a `.clone()`.

## [v0.9.1] - 2017-01-01
* Change deprecation version of `LoggingMetricSink` and `ConsoleMetricSink` to 0.10.0.

## [v0.9.0] - 2017-01-01
* Implement `QueuingMetricSink` utilizing a lock-free queue from the Crossbeam
  library per [#30]
* Add new metric type, histograms, per [#40]
* Deprecate `LoggingMetricSink` per [#32]
* Deprecate `ConsoleMetricSink` per [#33]

## [v0.8.2] - 2016-12-12
* Internal code cleanup per [#29]

## [v0.8.1] - 2016-10-11
* Minor documentation fixes.

## [v0.8.0] - 2016-08-27
* Add new `BufferedUdpMetricSink` implementation of a `MetricSink` that
  buffers multiple metrics before sending then in a single network operation
  per [#18]
* Add new `AsyncMetricSink` implementation of a `MetricSink` that wraps
  another sink and sends metrics asynchronously using a thread pool per
* Implement `Clone` trait for all builtin sinks for easier use with multiple
  threads, specifically the `AsyncMetricSink` per

## [v0.7.0] - 2016-07-27
* Add new `MetricClient` trait implemented by `StatsdClient` that encompasses
  all of the other traits for emitting metrics (`Counted`, `Timed`, `Gauged`,
  and `Metered`) so that users can refer to a single type when used with
  generics or behind a pointer per [#20]

## [v0.6.0] - 2016-07-20
* Change Cadence to be dual licensed under Apache and MIT licenses per
* Improve documentation around `MetricSink` trait per
* **Behavior change** - Change UDP sockets created by
  `StatsdClient::from_udp_host` to be created in non-blocking mode by default
  per [#14] While this does
  change previous behavior, users of the library shouldn't notice much of
  a change. In instances where the caller would have blocked before, they
  will get a `MetricError` wrapping an `io::Error` (with an `ErrorKind` of
  `WouldBlock`). Users wishing to restore the old behavior can do so by
  creating a custom instance of `UdpMetricSink`. Thanks to the
  [Tikv] team for the inspiration.

## [v0.5.2] - 2016-07-02
* Increase test coverage per [#10]
* Add documentation for setting up a UDP socket in non-blocking mode per

## [v0.5.1] - 2016-06-07
* Remove `debug!` call in internal StatsdClient call to cut down on log
  noise per [#7]

## [v0.5.0] - 2016-03-10
* **Breaking change** - Rename the constructor of `UdpMetricSink` from `new`
  to `from` to better match Rust naming conventions for conversion constructors.

## [v0.4.0] - 2016-02-18
* Change name of method for getting metric `&str` representation. The old name
  implied that the instance was consumed which it was not.
* Create `cadence::prelude` module for easy import of `Counted`, `Timed`,
  `Gauged`, and `Metered` traits via a glob import. Fixes

## [v0.3.0] - 2016-02-07
* Change `LoggingMetricSink` log target to `cadence::metrics`.
* Minor documentation improvements. Fixes [#1]
* Add benchmarks to test suite.
* Reduce heap allocations when emitting metrics. Fixes

## [v0.2.1] - 2015-12-27
* Change Cadence from MIT license to Apache-2.0 for better compatibility with
  BSD and GPLv3 licensed code.

## [v0.2.0] - 2015-12-26
* Remove unused development dependency.
* Add `Hash` trait to assorted metric types (`Counter`, `Timer`, `Gauge`, `Meter`).
* Documentation improvements.

## [v0.1.0] - 2015-12-22

* Initial release.