c3p0_pg 0.2.2

A good friend for r2d2. Based on rust-postgres.
This article is about Java 

C3: "I can’t abide these Jawas. Disgusting creatures."

Java is not that bad, but, you know, the Virtual Machine... the Garbage Collector... that oldie language... 

C3: "they're using a very primitive dialect".

Indeed... indeed.

It works with rust postgres
C3: “Excuse me sir, but that R2-D2 is in prime condition, a real bargain.”

you're right! It works even better with r2d2!

C3: “I do believe they think I am some kind of god.”
Uhm... do not exagerate now, my friend!

C3: “It’s against my programming to impersonate a deity.”

Working with JSON with postgres