c2pa 1.0.0

Rust SDK for C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity) implementors
// Copyright 2022 Adobe. All rights reserved.
// This file is licensed to you under the Apache License,
// Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
// or the MIT license (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT),
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//! Provides access to COSE signature generation.


use ciborium::value::Value;
use coset::{
    iana, CoseSign1, CoseSign1Builder, Header, HeaderBuilder, Label, TaggedCborSerializable,

use crate::{
    time_stamp::{cose_timestamp_countersign, make_cose_timestamp},
    Error, Result, Signer, SigningAlg,

/// Generate a COSE signature for a block of bytes which must be a valid C2PA
/// claim structure.
/// Should only be used when the underlying signature mechanism is detached
/// from the generation of the C2PA manifest (and thus the claim embedded in it).
/// ## Actions taken
/// 1. Verifies that the data supplied is a valid C2PA claim. The function will
///    respond with [`Error::ClaimDecoding`] if not.
/// 2. Signs the data using the provided [`Signer`] instance. Will ensure that
///    the signature is padded to match `box_size`, which should be the number of
///    bytes reserved for the `c2pa.signature` JUMBF box in this claim's manifest.
///    (If `box_size` is too small for the generated signature, this function
///    will respond with an error.)
/// 3. Verifies that the signature is valid COSE. Will respond with an error
///    [`Error::CoseSignature`] if unable to validate.
pub fn sign_claim(claim_bytes: &[u8], signer: &dyn Signer, box_size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    // Must be a valid claim.
    let label = "dummy_label";
    let _claim = Claim::from_data(label, claim_bytes)?;

    // Generate and verify a CoseSign1 representation of the data.
    cose_sign(signer, claim_bytes, box_size).and_then(|sig| {
        // Sanity check: Ensure that this signature is valid.
        let mut cose_log = OneShotStatusTracker::new();

        match verify_cose(&sig, claim_bytes, b"", false, &mut cose_log) {
            Ok(r) => {
                if !r.validated {
                } else {
            Err(err) => Err(err),

/// Returns signed Cose_Sign1 bytes for `data`.
/// The Cose_Sign1 will be signed with the algorithm from [`Signer`].
pub(crate) fn cose_sign(signer: &dyn Signer, data: &[u8], box_size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    // 13.2.1. X.509 Certificates
    // X.509 Certificates are stored in a header named x5chain draft-ietf-cose-x509.
    // The value is a CBOR array of byte strings, each of which contains the certificate
    // encoded as ASN.1 distinguished encoding rules (DER). This array must contain at
    // least one element. The first element of the array must be the certificate of
    // the signer, and the subjectPublicKeyInfo element of the certificate will be the
    // public key used to validate the signature. The Validity member of the TBSCertificate
    // sequence provides the time validity period of the certificate.

       This header parameter allows for a single X.509 certificate or a
       chain of X.509 certificates to be carried in the message.

       *  If a single certificate is conveyed, it is placed in a CBOR
           byte string.

       *  If multiple certificates are conveyed, a CBOR array of byte
           strings is used, with each certificate being in its own byte

    let alg = signer.alg();

    // build complete header
    let (alg_id, unprotected_header) = build_unprotected_header(

    let aad = b""; // no additional data required here

    let sign1_builder = CoseSign1Builder::new()
        .try_create_signature(aad, |bytes| signer.sign(bytes))?;

    let mut sign1 = sign1_builder.build();
    sign1.payload = None; // clear the payload since it is known

    let c2pa_sig_data = pad_cose_sig(&mut sign1, box_size)?;

    // println!("sig: {}", Hexlify(&c2pa_sig_data));


/// Returns signed Cose_Sign1 bytes for "data".  The Cose_Sign1 will be signed with the algorithm from `Signer`.
#[cfg(feature = "async_signer")]
pub async fn cose_sign_async(
    signer: &dyn crate::AsyncSigner,
    data: &[u8],
    box_size: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    // 13.2.1. X.509 Certificates
    // X.509 Certificates are stored in a header named x5chain draft-ietf-cose-x509.
    // The value is a CBOR array of byte strings, each of which contains the certificate
    // encoded as ASN.1 distinguished encoding rules (DER). This array must contain at
    // least one element. The first element of the array must be the certificate of
    // the signer, and the subjectPublicKeyInfo element of the certificate will be the
    // public key used to validate the signature. The Validity member of the TBSCertificate
    // sequence provides the time validity period of the certificate.

       This header parameter allows for a single X.509 certificate or a
       chain of X.509 certificates to be carried in the message.

       *  If a single certificate is conveyed, it is placed in a CBOR
           byte string.

       *  If multiple certificates are conveyed, a CBOR array of byte
           strings is used, with each certificate being in its own byte

    let alg = signer.alg();

    // build complete header
    let (alg_id, unprotected_header) = build_unprotected_header(

    let aad = b""; // no additional data required here

    let sign1_builder = CoseSign1Builder::new()

    let mut sign1 = sign1_builder.build();

    let tbs = coset::sig_structure_data(
    sign1.signature = signer.sign(tbs).await?;

    sign1.payload = None; // clear the payload since it is known

    let c2pa_sig_data = pad_cose_sig(&mut sign1, box_size)?;

    // println!("sig: {}", Hexlify(&c2pa_sig_data));


fn build_unprotected_header(
    data: &[u8],
    alg: SigningAlg,
    certs: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
    ta_url: Option<String>,
    ocsp_val: Option<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<(Header, Header)> {
    let alg_id = match alg {
        SigningAlg::Ps256 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Ps384 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Ps512 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Es256 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Es384 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Es512 => HeaderBuilder::new()
        SigningAlg::Ed25519 => HeaderBuilder::new()

    let sc_der_array_or_bytes = match certs.len() {
        1 => Value::Bytes(certs[0].clone()), // single cert
        _ => {
            let mut sc_der_array: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
            for cert in certs {
            Value::Array(sc_der_array) // provide vec of certs when required

    let mut unprotected = if let Some(url) = ta_url {
        let cts = cose_timestamp_countersign(data, alg, &url)?;
        let sigtst_vec = serde_cbor::to_vec(&make_cose_timestamp(&cts))?;
        let sigtst_cbor = serde_cbor::from_slice(&sigtst_vec)?;

            .text_value("x5chain".to_string(), sc_der_array_or_bytes)
            .text_value("sigTst".to_string(), sigtst_cbor)
    } else {
        HeaderBuilder::new().text_value("x5chain".to_string(), sc_der_array_or_bytes)

    // set the ocsp responder response if available
    if let Some(ocsp) = ocsp_val {
        let mut ocsp_vec: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
        let mut r_vals: Vec<(Value, Value)> = vec![];

        r_vals.push((Value::Text("ocspVals".to_string()), Value::Array(ocsp_vec)));

        unprotected = unprotected.text_value("rVals".to_string(), Value::Map(r_vals));

    // build complete header
    let unprotected_header = unprotected.build();

    Ok((alg_id, unprotected_header))

const PAD: &str = "pad";
const PAD2: &str = "pad2";
const PAD_OFFSET: usize = 7;

// Pad the CoseSign1 structure with 0s to match the reserved box size.
// There are some values lengths that are impossible to hit with a single padding so
// when that happens a second padding is added to change the remaining needed padding.
// The default initial guess works for almost all sizes, without the need for additional loops.
fn pad_cose_sig(sign1: &mut CoseSign1, end_size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut sign1_clone = sign1.clone();
    let cur_vec = sign1_clone
        .map_err(|_e| Error::CoseSignature)?;
    let cur_size = cur_vec.len();

    if cur_size == end_size {
        return Ok(cur_vec);

    // check for box too small and matched size
    if cur_size + PAD_OFFSET > end_size {
        return Err(Error::CoseSigboxTooSmall);

    let mut padding_found = false;
    let mut last_pad = 0;
    let mut target_guess = end_size - cur_size - PAD_OFFSET; // start close to desired end_size accounting for label
    loop {
        // clone to use
        sign1_clone = sign1.clone();

        // replace padding with new estimate
        for header_pair in &mut sign1_clone.unprotected.rest {
            if header_pair.0 == Label::Text("pad".to_string()) {
                if let Value::Bytes(b) = &header_pair.1 {
                    last_pad = b.len();
                header_pair.1 = Value::Bytes(vec![0u8; target_guess]);
                padding_found = true;

        // if there was no padding add it and call again
        if !padding_found {
                Value::Bytes(vec![0u8; target_guess]),
            return pad_cose_sig(&mut sign1_clone, end_size);

        // get current cbor vec to size if we reached target size
        let new_cbor = sign1_clone
            .map_err(|_e| Error::CoseSignature)?;

        match new_cbor.len() < end_size {
            true => target_guess += 1,
            false if new_cbor.len() == end_size => return Ok(new_cbor),
            false => break, // we could not match end_size in a single pad so break and add a second

    // if we reach here we need a new second padding object to hit exact size
        Value::Bytes(vec![0u8; last_pad - 10]),
    pad_cose_sig(sign1, end_size)

mod tests {

    use super::sign_claim;

    use crate::{claim::Claim, openssl::RsaSigner, utils::test::temp_signer};

    fn test_sign_claim() {
        let mut claim = Claim::new("extern_sign_test", Some("contentauth"));

        let claim_bytes = claim.data().unwrap();

        let box_size = 10000;

        let signer = temp_signer();

        let cose_sign1 = sign_claim(&claim_bytes, &signer, box_size).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(cose_sign1.len(), box_size);

    struct BogusSigner {
        signer: RsaSigner,

    impl BogusSigner {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            BogusSigner {
                signer: temp_signer(),

    impl crate::Signer for BogusSigner {
        fn sign(&self, _data: &[u8]) -> crate::error::Result<Vec<u8>> {
            eprintln!("Canary, canary, please cause this deploy to fail!");
            Ok(b"totally bogus signature".to_vec())

        fn alg(&self) -> crate::SigningAlg {

        fn certs(&self) -> crate::error::Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {

        fn reserve_size(&self) -> usize {

    fn test_bogus_signer() {
        let mut claim = Claim::new("bogus_sign_test", Some("contentauth"));

        let claim_bytes = claim.data().unwrap();

        let box_size = 10000;

        let signer = BogusSigner::new();

        let cose_sign1 = sign_claim(&claim_bytes, &signer, box_size);
