c-ares-resolver 4.0.2

An asynchronous DNS resolver, backed by c-ares.
# c-ares-resolver #

A more convenient API around [`c-ares`](https://github.com/dimbleby/rust-c-ares/), for asynchronous DNS requests.

The `c-ares` crate provides a safe wrapper around the underlying C library, but it's relatively hard work to use: the user needs to drive the polling of file descriptors according to `c-ares` demands, which likely involves writing something close to a full-blown event loop.

This crate does that hard work for you so that the presented API is much more straightforward. 

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## Documentation ##

API documentation is [here](https://docs.rs/c-ares-resolver).

## Examples ##

extern crate c_ares_resolver;
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
use std::error::Error;
use futures::future::Future;

fn main() {
    let resolver = c_ares_resolver::FutureResolver::new().unwrap();
    let query = resolver
        .map_err(|e| println!("Lookup failed with error '{}'", e.description()))
        .map(|result| println!("{}", result));

Further example programs can be found [here](https://github.com/dimbleby/c-ares-resolver/tree/master/examples).

## Contributing ##

Contributions are welcome.  Please send pull requests!