bytesize 0.1.3

ByteSize is an utility that easily makes bytes size representation and helps its arithmetic operations.
ByteSize is an utility that easily makes bytes size representation and helps its arithmetic operations.

[API Documentation] (

## Usage

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

bytesize = "0.1.3"

and this to your crate root:
extern crate bytesize;

## Example

### Arithmetic operations
extern crate bytesize;

use bytesize::ByteSize;
fn byte_arithmetic_operator() {
  let x = ByteSize::mb(1);
  let y = ByteSize::kb(100);
  let plus = x + y;
  print!("{} bytes", plus.as_usize());
  let minus = ByteSize::tb(100) - ByteSize::gb(4);
  print!("{} bytes", minus.as_usize());

### Human readable string
fn assert_display(expected: &str, b: ByteSize) {
  assert_eq!(expected, format!("{}", b));

fn test_display() {
  assert_display("215 B", ByteSize::b(215));
  assert_display("301 KB", ByteSize::kb(301));
  assert_display("419 MB", ByteSize::mb(419));
  assert_display("518 GB", ByteSize::gb(518));
  assert_display("815 TB", ByteSize::tb(815));
  assert_display("609 PB", ByteSize::pb(609));

fn assert_to_string(expected: &str, b: ByteSize, si: bool) {
  assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), b.to_string(si));

fn test_to_string() {
  assert_to_string("215 B", ByteSize::b(215), true);
  assert_to_string("215 B", ByteSize::b(215), false);

  assert_to_string("293 kiB", ByteSize::kb(301), true);
  assert_to_string("301 KB", ByteSize::kb(301), false);

  assert_to_string("399 MiB", ByteSize::mb(419), true);
  assert_to_string("419 MB", ByteSize::mb(419), false);

  assert_to_string("482 GiB", ByteSize::gb(518), true);
  assert_to_string("518 GB", ByteSize::gb(518), false);

  assert_to_string("741 TiB", ByteSize::tb(815), true);
  assert_to_string("815 TB", ByteSize::tb(815), false);

  assert_to_string("540 PiB", ByteSize::pb(609), true);
  assert_to_string("609 PB", ByteSize::pb(609), false);