bytes 0.4.1

Types and traits for working with bytes

# 0.4.1 (March 15, 2017)

* Expose `buf` module and have most types available from there vs. root.
* Implement `IntoBuf` for `T: Buf`.
* Add `FromBuf` and `Buf::collect`.
* Add iterator adapter for `Buf`.
* Add scatter/gather support to `Buf` and `BufMut`.
* Add `Buf::chain`.
* Reduce allocations on repeated calls to `BytesMut::reserve`.
* Implement `Debug` for more types.
* Remove `Source` in favor of `IntoBuf`.
* Implement `Extend` for `BytesMut`.

# 0.4.0 (February 24, 2017)

* Initial release