bytemuck 1.9.0

A crate for mucking around with piles of bytes.
//! The integration tests seem to always have `std` linked, so things that would
//! depend on that can go here.

use bytemuck::*;

fn test_transparent_vtabled() {
  use core::fmt::Display;

  struct DisplayTraitObj(dyn Display);

  unsafe impl TransparentWrapper<dyn Display> for DisplayTraitObj {}

  impl Display for DisplayTraitObj {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {

  let v = DisplayTraitObj::wrap_ref(&5i32);
  let s = format!("{}", v);
  assert_eq!(s, "5");

  let mut x = 100i32;
  let v_mut = DisplayTraitObj::wrap_mut(&mut x);
  let s = format!("{}", v_mut);
  assert_eq!(s, "100");

#[cfg(feature = "extern_crate_alloc")]
fn test_large_box_alloc() {
  type SuperPage = [[u8; 4096]; 4096];
  let _: Box<SuperPage> = try_zeroed_box().unwrap();

#[cfg(feature = "extern_crate_alloc")]
fn test_zero_sized_box_alloc() {
  struct Empty;
  unsafe impl Zeroable for Empty {}
  let _: Box<Empty> = try_zeroed_box().unwrap();