bytemuck 1.7.1

A crate for mucking around with piles of bytes.
name = "bytemuck"
description = "A crate for mucking around with piles of bytes."
version = "1.7.1"
authors = ["Lokathor <>"]
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["transmute", "bytes", "casting"]
categories = ["encoding", "no-std"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
exclude = ["/pedantic.bat"]

# In v2 we'll fix these names to be more "normal".
derive = ["bytemuck_derive"]
extern_crate_alloc = []
extern_crate_std = ["extern_crate_alloc"]
zeroable_maybe_uninit = []
min_const_generics = []

# Do not use if you can avoid it, because this is unsound.
unsound_ptr_pod_impl = []

# use the upper line for testing against bytemuck_derive changes, if any
#bytemuck_derive = { version = "1.0.1-alpha.0", path = "derive", optional = true }
bytemuck_derive = { version = "1", optional = true }

# Note(Lokathor): Don't use all-feautures or it would use `unsound_ptr_pod_impl` too.
features = [







# Note(Lokathor): Don't use all-feautures or it would use `unsound_ptr_pod_impl` too.
features = [





