bytemuck 1.3.0-alpha.0

A crate for mucking around with piles of bytes.
# `bytemuck` changelog

## 1.3.0

* [HeroicKatora] added the
  `try_zeroed_slice_box` function
* The `offset_of!` macro now supports a 2-arg version. For types that impl
  Default, it'll just make an instance using `default` and then call over to the
  3-arg version.
* The `PodCastError` type now supports `Hash` and `Display`. Also if you enable
  the `extern_crate_std` feature then it will support `std::error::Error`.
* We now provide a `TransparentWrapper<T>` impl for `core::num::Wrapper<T>`.

## 1.2.0

* [thomcc] added many things:
  * A fully sound `offset_of!` macro
  * A `Contiguous` trait for when you've got enums with declared values
    all in a row [#12]
  * A `TransparentWrapper` marker trait for when you want to more clearly
    enable adding and removing a wrapper struct to its inner value
  * Now MIRI is run on CI in every single push!

## 1.1.0

* [SimonSapin] added `from_bytes`,
  `from_bytes_mut`, `try_from_bytes`, and `try_from_bytes_mut` ([PR

## 1.0.1

* Changed to the [zlib] license.
* Added much more proper documentation.
* Reduced the minimum Rust version to 1.34