bytefmt 0.1.6

an utility to parse byte string into bytes count and vice versa.


Build Status Version

Bytefmt is Rust utility to parse byte string into bytes count and vice versa.


Put bytefmt to your dependencies in Cargo.toml file:

bytefmt = "0.1.6"

Usage Examples

extern crate bytefmt;

fn main() {
    let input = "1.23 MB";

    // Parse string into bytes
    let bytes: u64 = bytefmt::parse(input).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(bytes, 1_230_000);

    // Format bytes into string
    let bytes_str = bytefmt::format(bytes);
    assert_eq!(&bytes_str, input);

    // Parse to specific unit
    let kb: f64 = bytefmt::parse_to(input, bytefmt::Unit::KB).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(kb, 1_230 as f64);

    // Format to specific unit
    let kb_str = bytefmt::format_to(bytes, bytefmt::Unit::KB);
    assert_eq!(&kb_str, "1230 KB");