byte 0.2.3

A low-level, zero-copy, panic-free, binary serializer and deserializer.


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A low-level, zero-copy, panic-free, binary serializer and deserializer

This crate is inspired by m4b/scroll



First, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

byte = "0.2"

Next, add this to your crate root:

extern crate byte;

Byte is no_std library; it can directly be used in a #![no_std] situation or crate.


Byte is mainly used to encode and decode binary data with standard or protocol, such as network TCP packages and hardware communication packages. It's similar to crate nom but more ligthweight and specialized for operating binary in low-level and hardware programing.

Byte delivers two core traits TryRead and TryWrite. Types implement these traits can be serialize into or deserialize from byte slices. Byte slices [u8] derives methods read() and write() to serialize, deserialize and handle offset.

Small and general is kept in mind in this library. For example, Byte can take byte slice from MMap to read binary file, or take heap-allocated byte buffer from Bytes.


use byte::*;

let bytes: &[u8] = &[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef];

let offset = &mut 0;
let num = bytes.read_with::<u32>(offset, BE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(num, 0xdeadbeef);
assert_eq!(*offset, 4);
use byte::*;
use byte::ctx::{Str, NULL};

let bytes: &[u8] = b"hello, world!\0dump";

let offset = &mut 0;
let str = bytes.read_with::<&str>(offset, Str::Delimiter(NULL)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(str, "hello, world!");
assert_eq!(*offset, 14);


All kinds of contribution are welcomed.

  • Issus. Feel free to open an issue when you find typos, bugs, or have any question.
  • Pull requests. New collection, better implementation, more tests, more documents and typo fixes are all welcomed.


Licensed under MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or