byte-unit-serde 0.1.0

De/serialization functions for byte-unit crate.


tests Documentation MIT/Apache-2 licensed

This crate provides de/serialization helper for byte-unit crate to use in combination with serde's with-annotation. This might be useful because it hides a byte-unit crate as an implementation details and allows use the simple u64 type instead. In other words, by using this crate, your code will not depend on the byte-unit crate.


use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Foo {
    #[serde(with = "byte_unit_serde")]
    max_size: u64,
    /// This module also supports an optional values.
    #[serde(default, with = "byte_unit_serde")]
    min_size: Option<u64>,

The idea of this crate is heavily inspired by humantime-serde.