byo-graphql 0.1.4

simple bring-your-own graphql client
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A simple *"bring your own queries and types"* GraphQL client.

# Design Principles

* I want to use my own Rust structures and not have them generated by macros
* I want to use my own queries and not have them generated by macros
* I want to manage queries as strings in my Rust code

# Why not use it

* For now it's very young, the API may grow and change
* There's already a popular and well tested [GraphQL client in Rust]

# How to use it

## Simple query

The [github stars example](examples/github-stars/ demonstrates querying GitHub's GraphQL API to get the number of stars of a repository.

First create a client, that you may keep and reuse:

let mut graphql_client = GraphqlClient::new("")?;

You need the struct into which to deserialize the server's answer:

pub struct Repository {
    stargazers: Count,
(`Count` is a utility struct provided by byo_graphql, it's just `struct Count { totalCount: usize }`)

And you need a query:
let query = r#"{
	repository(owner: "Canop", name: "bacon") {
	    stargazers {
**note:** in the example's complete code, the query is dynamically built with `format!`, as you'll usually do.

Now you can fetch the data:

let repo: Repository = graphql_client.get_first_item(query)?;
let stars: usize = repo.stargazers.into();

## Querying a long list

The [github issues example](examples/github-stars/ demonstrates how to query a long list with a cursor based exchange.