by_address 1.0.3

Wrapper for comparing and hashing pointers by address
# by_address

Rust wrapper type that implements hashing and comparison based on address
rather than value.

* [API Documentation]
* [ package]
* [Source code]

# Overview

`ByAddress` can be used to wrap any pointer type (i.e. any type that implements the Deref
trait).  This includes references, raw pointers, smart pointers like `Rc<T>`
and `Box<T>`, and specialized pointer-like types such as `Vec<T>` and `String`.

The wrapped pointer implements the following traits based on the address of
its contents, rather than their value:

* Hash
* Eq, PartialEq
* Ord, PartialOrd

## no_std

This crate does not depend on libstd, so it can be used in [`no_std`]


## Release notes

### Version 1.0.2

* More documentation fixes

### Version 1.0.1

* Improved documentation

### Version 1.0.0

* Initial release

## License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your
option.  See the license files in this directory for details.