bve-native 0.0.1

Remaking OpenBVE using a modern architecture, using Unity and Rust. C API.
//! Controlling the behavior of BVE when it panics.
//! Panicking is by definition a bug in BVE, but it does happen, and it needs to be handled
//! before the application is shutdown. The global panic handler consists of two parts.
//! A function pointer and a void* data. They are both stored globally and can be controlled with
//! the functions in this module. The function is called with the void* and a string which
//! contains printable information about the panic.
//! There is a [`bve_default_panic_handler`] which is called if you don't manually set your own.
//! This takes the provided string and prints it to stderr and returns.
//! # Safety
//! There is a race condition between [`bve_set_panic_handler`] and [`bve_set_panic_data`].
//! This race is, in practice, little cause for concern. As long as no other rust code is executing, there is
//! no problem. If you call these at the beginning of the program, like would be expected, there's no chance of a race.
//! If:
//! - you set the panic handler,
//! - you haven't set the panic data to the proper pointer,
//! - there is rust code that is currently panicking,
//! the new panic handler will be called with the wrong pointer. This can cause all kinds of bad things if the panic
//! handler expects that pointer to be of a specific type.

use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr, CString};
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::panic::PanicInfo;
use std::ptr::null_mut;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};

/// Function pointer type for the Panic Handler.
/// # Arguments
/// - `void*`: The data pointer provided using [`bve_set_panic_data`]. Allowed to be null.
/// - `const char*`: String containing human readable information about the panic, including a backtrace. Will never be
///   null.
/// # Safety
/// Always allow `void*` to be null. You may assume the string is never null, utf8, and null terminated.
pub type PanicHandler = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const c_char) -> ();

// Due to the lack of Atomic Function Pointers, we must do some bullshit that is very questionable.
type PanicHandlerProxy = *mut PanicHandler;

// Internal statics for the Panic Handler and its data
static PANIC_HANDLER: AtomicPtr<PanicHandler> = AtomicPtr::new(bve_default_panic_handler as PanicHandlerProxy);
static PANIC_HANDLER_DATA: AtomicPtr<c_void> = AtomicPtr::new(null_mut());

/// The default panic handler that is automatically installed. Does not touch the data pointer.
/// Prints the string to stderr, panicking (and aborting) if it fails.
/// # Safety
/// The string must be non-null per the contract of [`PanicHandler`].
pub unsafe extern "C" fn bve_default_panic_handler(_: *mut c_void, string: *const c_char) {
        .expect("Writing to stderr in panic handler failed.");

/// Sets the panic handler to the provided function pointer.
/// # Safety
/// - `handler` must not be null and must point to a valid function of the proper signature.
/// - The function `handler` points to must uphold the invariants of the contract of [`PanicHandler`]
/// - There is a minor race between this function and [`bve_set_panic_data`]. See module documentation.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn bve_set_panic_handler(handler: PanicHandler) {
    let handler_transmute: PanicHandlerProxy = handler as PanicHandlerProxy;, Ordering::SeqCst);

/// Sets the data passed to the panic handler.
/// # Safety
/// - If the installed panic handler touches this data, it must be non-null and point to the data it expects
/// - There is a minor race between this function and [`bve_set_panic_handler`]. See module documentation.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn bve_set_panic_data(data: *mut c_void) {, Ordering::SeqCst);

/// Returns the currently set panic handler. Non-null.
pub extern "C" fn bve_get_panic_handler() -> PanicHandler {
    let handler_transmute: PanicHandlerProxy = PANIC_HANDLER.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
    let handler: PanicHandler = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(handler_transmute) };

/// Returns the currently set data to be passed to the panic handler. May be null.
pub extern "C" fn bve_get_panic_data() -> *mut c_void {

/// Hooks up our panic hook to the standard library hook.
pub(crate) fn init_panic_handler() {

/// Direct callback from rust that provides the information for the panic handler and calls it.
fn panic_dispatch(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) {
    let bt = backtrace::Backtrace::new();
    let msg = format!(
        "Panic: {:?} {:}\n\n{:?}",
            .expect("Panic payload must be a &str"),
        info.location().expect("Panic info must have location"),
    let c_msg = CString::new(msg).expect("Formatted message must not have interior null byte");
    unsafe {
        let handler_transmute: PanicHandlerProxy = PANIC_HANDLER.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
        let handler: PanicHandler = std::mem::transmute(handler_transmute);
        handler(PANIC_HANDLER_DATA.load(Ordering::SeqCst), c_msg.as_ptr())