butcher 0.4.0

An easy way to interact with structs and enums wrapped in Cows


An easy way to interact with Cowed structs and enums.

This crate proposes some simple solutions to the most common patterns I met while working with Cows in Rust. It currently fixes two patterns: destructuring and iteration related to objects wrapped in Cow.


The Butcher trait can be used when it is necessary to destruture something wrapped in a Cow. Below is a simple example:

use std::borrow::Cow;
use butcher::Butcher;

#[derive(Butcher, Clone)]
struct MyNumberList {
val: u32,
next: Option<Box<MyNumberList>>,

fn destructure_list_elem(i: Cow<MyNumberList>) -> (Cow<u32>, Cow<Option<Box<MyNumberList>>>) {
let ButcheredMyNumberList { val, next } = Butcher::butcher(i);

(val, next)

The Butcher procedural macro can be derived for structs and for enums.


Here is a demonstration of how to iterate over an object wrapped in a Cow:

use std::borrow::Cow;
use butcher::iterator::{CowIter, IntoCowIterator};

fn print_numbers(elems: Cow<[u32]>) {
let mut iter = elems.into_cow_iter();

for element in iter {
// The type of element is Cow<u32>
println!("{:?}", element);

See the documentation of CowIter for more information.


In some situations, the Butcher proc macro can generate tricky fields, such as nested Cow. The FlattenCow trait aims to remove such flattening. See its documentation for more.