bunny-api 0.0.5

Alpha API client for Bunny.net

use super::StorageZone;
use crate::client::Client;
use crate::error::{APIResult, error_from_response, Error as APIError};
use crate::files::{file_content, checksum, Error as FileError, urlencode_path};
use std::path::Path;
use reqwest::Method;

/// Errors that may occur when uploading files
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
    /// Error while processing a file.
    File(#[from] FileError),
    #[error("expected SHA256 checksum {expected}, got {received}")]
    /// Expected the data to send to have a certain SHA256 checksum,
    /// but the actual checksum did not match.
    MismatchedSha256 {
        /// The expected SHA256 checksum.
        expected: String,
        /// The calculated SHA256 checksum.
        received: String,

fn get_url(storage_zone: StorageZone, zone_name: &str, dest: &str) -> String {
    let dest = dest.strip_prefix('/').unwrap_or(dest);
    let dest = urlencode_path(dest);
    format!("https://{}/{}/{}", storage_zone.url(), zone_name, dest)

async fn upload_data(client: &Client, url: String, content: Vec<u8>, expected_sha256: Option<String>) -> APIResult<(), Error> {
    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
    tracing::debug!("hashing file contents");
    let hash = checksum(&content);
    if let Some(expected) = expected_sha256 {
        let expected = expected.to_uppercase();

        #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
        tracing::debug!(%expected, %hash, "checking that hash matches expected value");
        if expected != hash {
            return Err(APIError::new(
                Error::MismatchedSha256 { expected, received: hash }

    let request = client
        .header("Checksum", hash)
        .header("content-type", "application/octet-stream")

    let resp = client

        .map(|_| ())
        .map_err(crate::Error::map_response_err(Method::PUT, url))

/// Upload a file to the given Storage Zone by local path.
/// # Errors
/// - I/O errors while reading the file
/// - See also: [`upload_file_data`]
pub async fn upload_file_by_path(client: &Client, storage_zone: StorageZone, zone_name: &str, dest: &str, file: &Path, expected_sha256: Option<String>) -> APIResult<(), Error> {
    let url = get_url(storage_zone, zone_name, dest);
    let content = file_content(file).await

    upload_data(client, url, content, expected_sha256).await

/// Upload bytes to the given Storage Zone.
/// # Errors
/// - Failure to send the request
/// - Error response from the server
pub async fn upload_file_data(client: &Client, storage_zone: StorageZone, zone_name: &str, dest: &str, content: Vec<u8>, expected_sha256: Option<String>) -> APIResult<(), Error> {
    let url = get_url(storage_zone, zone_name, dest);
    upload_data(client, url, content, expected_sha256).await