bump-into 0.7.0

a no_std bump allocator sourcing space from a user-provided slice


crates.io docs.rs

A no_std bump allocator sourcing space from a user-provided mutable slice rather than from a global allocator, making it suitable for use in embedded applications and tight loops.


use bump_into::{self, BumpInto};

// allocate 64 bytes of uninitialized space on the stack
let mut bump_into_space = bump_into::space_uninit!(64);
let bump_into = BumpInto::from_slice(&mut bump_into_space[..]);

// allocating an object produces a mutable reference with
// a lifetime borrowed from `bump_into_space`, or gives
// back its argument in `Err` if there isn't enough space
let number: &mut u64 = bump_into
    .alloc_with(|| 123)
    .expect("not enough space");
assert_eq!(*number, 123);
*number = 50000;
assert_eq!(*number, 50000);

// slices can be allocated as well
let slice: &mut [u16] = bump_into
    .alloc_n_with(5, core::iter::repeat(10))
    .expect("not enough space");
assert_eq!(slice, &[10; 5]);
slice[2] = 100;
assert_eq!(slice, &[10, 10, 100, 10, 10]);


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