bulletinboard 0.1.1

A general-purpose DHT
bulletinboard-0.1.1 is not a library.

BulletinBoard DHT

BulletinBoard is a general-purpose Distributed-Hash-Table based on Kademlia [1]. The interface is provided as a D-Bus service via these commands:

Service: org.manuel.BulletinBoard
  Object Path: /
  Interface:   org.manuel.BulletinBoard
   - Get(app_id: String, key: Array of [Byte])
        -> (values: Array of [Array of [Byte]])
   - Put(app_id: String, key: Array of [Byte], value: Array of [Byte])
        -> ()
   - Remove(app_id: String, key: Array of [Byte], value: Array of [Byte])
        -> ()
   - RemoveKey(app_id: String, key: Array of [Byte])
        -> ()

where app_id is an string specific to your application (e.g. myfilesharingapp). You can choose any app_id you want and you do not have to register you own app_id somewhere. The key is hashed together with app_id using SHA-1 and the value may not exceed 2048 bytes. Note that you cannot assume that a value returned by the Get command was really published by an instance of your application.

[1] http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~petar/papers/maymounkov-kademlia-lncs.pdf

Getting Started

  1. Get Rust

  2. Clone

    git clone https://github.com/manuels/bulletinboard-dht.git
  3. Build

    cargo build --release

    (in bulletinboard-dht dir)

  4. Join the DHT

    ./target/release/bulletinboardd -j
 is currently the only supernode

  5. Access DBus service