bulk_examples_generator 0.1.0

Create dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of random examples based on a pest grammar (PEG). It can be used for generate string/structured data for training models in AI, or like a grammar fuzzer for find bugs.

name = "bulk_examples_generator"

version = "0.1.0"

authors = ["siberianbluerobin <n1xef5em4bp4@opayq.com>"]

edition = "2018"

description = "Create dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of random examples based on a pest grammar (PEG). It can be used for generate string/structured data for training models in AI, or like a grammar fuzzer for find bugs."

readme = "README.md"

repository = "https://github.com/siberianbluerobin/bulk-examples-generator"

license = "MIT"

keywords = ["generator", "grammar", "random", "data"]

categories = ["command-line-utilities", "parsing", "parser-implementations", "template-engine"]


bench = false


name = "bulk_examples_generator"

path = "src/main.rs"

bench = false


# Minimum version supported according to 

# 1.36

# rand: 1.32.0 

# structopt: 1.36

# Random stuff

rand = "0.6"

# Meta crate of pest for access to grammar rules and their AST

pest_meta = "2.1"

pest_vm = "2.1"

# Crate used to support the difference or negation operator ("!") in the generation of examples from grammar

pest = "2.1"

# pest_derive = "2.1"

# Parallelization

rayon = "1.0"

# TODO: This funcionality is not tested correctly

# Detect when the stack is near to being full by recursion

stacker = "0.1"

# Crate used for preprocessing the grammars replacing the builtin rules for their equivalents 

aho-corasick = "0.7"

# Support crates for regex expressions, used for replace special rules added to the PEST grammar

regex = "1.2"

# TODO: This crate is not used at the moment

# Logging crate

# env_logger = "0.6"

#---------- Crates for binary

# Command line support

structopt = "^0.3.12"

# Progress bar

indicatif = "0.11"

# Load TOML config for generator

config = "^0.10.1"

# Used for loading config in a struct with config crate

serde_derive = "^1.0.8"

serde = "^1.0.8"

#----------- Benchmarks and other things


criterion = "^0.3.1"


name = "basic_generation"

harness = false