bujo 0.1.0

Toolkit CLI and library for bujo format.
# bujo

This crate is toolkit for `.bujo` format, A bullet journal inspired format!

## Status

Currently, the CLI is a work in progress, although the format is extremely simple
and usable and does not need anything fancier than the most basic text-editor.

## Tasks

- [ ]  Library Representation
- [ ]  Writer
- [ ]  Parser
- [ ]  Formatter
- [ ]  Guide
- [ ]  Tag management
- [ ]  New Bullet from CLI
- [ ]  Month Manager
- [ ]  Hooks

## Contributions

Currently the vision and state of this format is not documented.
But if you are interested in contributing, you are more than welcome to <a href="mailto:me@prma.dev"> send me an email </a>.