[][src]Crate building_blocks

Data types, collections, and algorithms for working with maps on 2D and 3D integer lattices. Commonly known as pixel or voxel data.

This library is organized into several crates. The most fundamental are:

  • core: lattice point and extent data types
  • storage: storage for lattice maps, i.e. functions defined on Z^2 and Z^3

Then you get extra bits of functionality from the others:

  • image: conversion of 2D lattice maps to/from images
  • mesh: 3D isosurface generation algorithms, smooth and cubic
  • procgen: procedural generation of lattice maps, including sampled SDFs and height maps
  • search: search algorithms on lattice maps
  • vox: conversion of 3D lattice maps to/from VOX data format

To learn the basics about lattice maps, start with these doc pages:


pub use building_blocks_core as core;
pub use building_blocks_storage as storage;
pub use building_blocks_image as image;
pub use building_blocks_mesh as mesh;
pub use building_blocks_procgen as procgen;
pub use building_blocks_search as search;
pub use building_blocks_vox as vox;

