build_timestamp 0.1.0

Simple proc-macro to generate a build timestamp string as a const

Build Timestamp String Generator

build_timestamp is a simple proc-macro for Rust to generate a const string with a build timestamp (in UTC), formatted with strftime syntax.

Note: using this crate makes your build non-deterministic!

Note: using this crate requires nightly Rust


// Rust2018 macro import
use build_timestamp::build_time;

// generates a `const BUILD_TIME: &str`
build_time!("%A %Y-%m-%d / %H:%M:%S");

fn main() {
    println!("This is {}, built on: {}",
        env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), BUILD_TIME);

Running this example will print something that looks like:

This is my_crate, built on: Saturday 2018-09-08 / 11:35:43


Features that I'd like this crate to support in the future:

  • proper error handling (currently just uses unwrap() to panic)
  • ability to specify the name for the generated const
  • non-UTC timezones

If you would like to implement any of this, I welcome patches.