buddy-link 0.3.0

Library to interact with the BuddyLink on-chain referral system
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Here is an example of how you would call the SDK for SPL

Here the transfer is made by the signer directly, if your "from account" is owned by a PDA, then transfer seeds would need to be provided.

let cpi_context = CpiContext::new(
    buddy_link::cpi::TransferCheckedGlobalOnlyReward {
        buddy_link_program: buddy_link_program.to_account_info(),
        authority: authority.to_account_info(),
        system_program: None,
        mint:  Some(mint.to_account_info()),
        token_program: Some(token_program.to_account_info()),
        from_token_account: Some(user_token_account.to_account_info()),
        referrer_token_account: Some(remaining_accounts[0].to_account_info()),
        global_referrer_treasury: referrer_treasury.to_account_info(),
        global_referrer_treasury_for_reward: referrer_treasury_for_reward.to_account_info(),
        referee_buddy_profile: buddy_profile.to_account_info(),
        referee_buddy: buddy.to_account_info(),

    & [],

Here is an example of how you would call the SDK for SOL

Here the transfer is made by the signer directly, if your "from account" is owned by a PDA, then transfer seeds would need to be provided.

let cpi_context = CpiContext::new(
    buddy_link::cpi::TransferCheckedGlobalOnlyReward {
        buddy_link_program: buddy_link_program.to_account_info(),
        authority: authority.to_account_info(),
        system_program: Some(system_program.to_account_info()),
        mint: None,
        token_program: None,
        from_token_account: None,
        referrer_token_account: None,
        global_referrer_treasury: referrer_treasury.to_account_info(),
        global_referrer_treasury_for_reward: referrer_treasury_for_reward.to_account_info(),
        referee_buddy_profile: buddy_profile.to_account_info(),
        referee_buddy: buddy.to_account_info(),


How to test

  1. yarn install
  2. amman start
  3. cargo test