btree_error 0.1.0

To avoid duplication, all bforest libs use the same error defined in this crate.
harness = false
name = "benchmark"
path = "benches/"

name = "integration"
path = "tests/"
default-features = false
features = ["derive"]
optional = true
version = "1.0"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.1.3"
version = "0.3.3"

cbor = ["try_encoding_from/cbor"]
fmt = []
json = ["try_encoding_from/json"]
yaml = ["try_encoding_from/yaml"]

authors = ["James Spears <>"]
autotests = false
categories = ["no-std"]
description = "To avoid duplication, all bforest libs use the same error defined in this crate."
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
keywords = ["bforest", "error"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
name = "btree_error"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.1.0"
opt-level = "z"