bs58 0.2.1

Another Base58 codec implementation.

bs58 travis-badge cargo-badge license-badge rust-version-badge

Another Rust Base58 codec implementation.

Compared to base58 this is significantly faster at decoding (about 2.4x as fast when decoding 32 bytes), almost the same speed for encoding (about 3% slower when encoding 32 bytes), doesn't have the 128 byte limitation and supports a configurable alphabet.

Compared to rust-base58 this is massively faster (over ten times as fast when decoding 32 bytes, almost 40 times as fast when encoding 32 bytes), has no external dependencies and supports a configurable alphabet.


This project uses clippy and denies warnings in CI builds. To ensure your changes will be accepted please check them with cargo clippy (available via cargo install clippy on nightly rust) before submitting a pull request (along with cargo test as usual).

Both the nightly date and clippy version used in CI are pinned in the .travis.yml as clippy sometimes breaks for a few days after a new nightly is published, feel free to update to a new known good pair anytime as part of a pull request.


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