Expand description

Broccoli is a broad-phase collision detection library. The base data structure is a hybrid between a KD Tree and Sweep and Prune.

Checkout the github examples.

Size of T in Tree

During construction, the elements of a tree are swapped around a lot. Therefore if the size of T is too big, the performance can regress a lot! To combat this, consider using the semi-direct or even indirect layouts listed below. The Indirect layout achieves the smallest element size (just one pointer), however it can suffer from a lot of cache misses of large propblem sizes. The Semi-direct layout is more cache-friendly but can use more memory. The different characteristics are explored more in depth in the broccoli book In almost all cases you want to use the Semi-direct layout.

  • (Rect<N>,&mut T) Semi-direct
  • (Rect<N>,T) Direct
  • &mut (Rect<N>,T) Indirect

I made the ManySwappable marker trait to help bring awareness to this performance regression trap. It is implemented on a lot of types that are guaranteed to be small. If you know what you are doing you can use the ManySwap wrapper struct that automatically implements that trait, or implement it yourself on your own type.

You can also construct a Tree using Semi-direct or indirect, and then convert it to direct. (See the Tree::from_tree_data() function.) However, I’m not sure if there are performance benefits to this.


Parallel versions of construction and colliding pair finding functions are provided. They use rayon under the hood which uses work stealing to parallelize divide and conquer style recursive functions.

Floating Point

Broccoli only requires PartialOrd for its number type. Instead of panicking on comparisons it doesn’t understand, it will just arbitrary pick a result. So if you use regular float primitive types and there is even just one NaN, tree construction and querying will not panic, but would have unspecified results. If using floats, it’s the users responsibility to not pass NaN values into the tree. There is no static protection against this, though if this is desired you can use the ordered-float crate. The Ord trait was not enforced to give users the option to use primitive floats directly which can be easier to work with.

Protecting Invariants Statically

A lot is done to forbid the user from violating the invariants of the tree once constructed while still allowing them to mutate parts of each element of the tree. The user can mutably traverse the tree but the mutable references returns are hidden behind the AabbPin<T> type that forbids mutating the aabbs.


pub use axgeom;


Extended query functions

Contains query modules for each query algorithm.

Provides the broccoli tree building blocks and code, but no querying code.


Compare query results between Tree and the easily verifiable Naive versions.

Easily verifiable naive query algorithms.

A tree where the elements in a node are not sorted.

Sweep and prune collision finding algorithm

A broccoli Tree.

Used to de-couple tree information from the underlying lifetimed slice of elements to be combined again later on.