breezy-timer 0.1.0

Painless and production friendly timers

Breezy timer ⏲️

Breezy timer's objective is to be a very simple timing library, which can be put into production code without changing the final performance. See section how does it work for further information.


  • simple to use
  • use directly in production code,
  • no need to modify code when releasing, simply de-activate feature!


When compiling, simply add the feature breezy_timer if you want to have the times, e.g.

cargo build foocrate --release --feature breezy_timer

or simply do not put the feature to remove the times.


prepare_timer!(): must be called before any other timer related function

start_timer!("foo"): creates or adds to timer called foo, depending if it already exists

stop_timer!("foo"): computes the ProcessTime since the last start_timer!("foor") was called, and adds it to the timer state

elapsed_ns!("foo"): returns the sum of the nano secondes spent in the timer foo. When feature not active, returns 0u128

get_timers_map!(): returns a clone of the HashMap containing all the timers and their TimerState: When feature not active, returns an empty HashMap


Taken from examples/

use cpu_time::ProcessTime;
use criterion::black_box;

use breezy_timer::{prepare_timer, start_timer, stop_timer, elapsed_ns, get_timers_map};

// must be called before 

fn main(){
    let mut vectors = Vec::new();

    for _ in 0..10 {
        let vec: Vec<u8> = (0..102400).map(|_| { rand::random::<u8>() }).collect();

        let mut total = 0;
        for v in vectors.iter() {
            total += v.iter().map(|x| *x as u32).sum::<u32>();
        // used so that compiler doesn't simply remove the loop because nothing is done with total

    println!("{:?}", get_timers_map!());
    println!(" - allocations: {}ns\n - sum: {}ns\n - total: {}ns", elapsed_ns!("allocations"), elapsed_ns!("sum"), elapsed_ns!("total"));

How does it work

features are a rust compilation mechanism which allows you to do conditional compilation. This crate makes use of this together with macros, in order to make it so that a normal compilation (without the feature activated) will leave no trace of the library in the final code. Hence, there is no performance drop when releasing, making the transition between development to release painless.


When activated, the library creates a global thread safe HashMap containing the names of the timers and their current state. The states are a structure which containes the last ProcessTime, and the total number of nano seconds in the timer.

When we call start_timer("foo"), what happens entry foo in the global hash map is created if it doesn't exist, or updated, and its start time is set to ProcessTime::now().

When stop_timer!("foo") is called, the entry foo is fetched the elapsed time since the last start_timer!("foo") is added to the total nanoseconds variable.


This project is licensed under either of

Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

at your option.


PR requests are welcome highly welcome! Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in globals by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.