breadx-image 0.1.0

Image type to be used in breadx
//               Copyright John Nunley, 2022.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//       (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at

/// A series of bits that can be manipulated like a collection.
/// Notes:
/// - By default, bits are stored in LSB order. The normalize()
///   function can be used to swap them into MSB order.
/// - This means that conversion functions should use to_le_bytes().
pub(crate) struct Bitfield<T: ?Sized>(pub(crate) T);

impl<T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> Bitfield<T> {
    /// Get the bit at the given index.
    pub(crate) fn bit(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
        let (byte_index, bit_index) = bb_index(index);
        let byte = self.0.as_ref().get(byte_index).expect("out of range");
        let bit = 1 << bit_index;

        (byte & bit) != 0

impl<T: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> + ?Sized> Bitfield<T> {
    /// Set the bit at the given index.
    pub(crate) fn set_bit(&mut self, index: usize, val: bool) {
        let (byte_index, bit_index) = bb_index(index);
        let byte = self.0.as_mut().get_mut(byte_index).expect("out of range");
        let bit = 1 << bit_index;

        if val {
            *byte |= bit;
        } else {
            *byte &= !bit;

    /// Copy bits from one to the other.
    pub(crate) fn copy_from(
        &mut self,
        other: &Bitfield<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        mut self_start: usize,
        mut other_start: usize,
        mut len: usize,
    ) {
        // we may just have to preform a naive copy
        if len < 8 || self_start % 8 != other_start % 8 {
            self.naive_copy(other, self_start, other_start, len);

        // the following algorithm is much faster, especially for
        // the common case where data is aligned on a byte boundary
        // wins of up to 50% have been recorded

        // preform a naive copy until we arrive at the
        // boundary of the byte
        let initial_len = distance_to_byte_boundary(self_start);
        self.naive_copy(other, self_start, other_start, initial_len);
        self_start += initial_len;
        other_start += initial_len;
        len -= initial_len;

        // use copy_from_slice() to preform an optimized copy
        let byte_len = len / 8;
        let self_byte_start = self_start / 8;
        let other_byte_start = other_start / 8;
        let self_range = self_byte_start..(self_byte_start + byte_len);
        let other_range = other_byte_start..(other_byte_start + byte_len);


        // copy the remaining bits
        let remaining_len = len % 8;
        let self_start = self_start + byte_len * 8;
        let other_start = other_start + byte_len * 8;
        self.naive_copy(other, self_start, other_start, remaining_len);

    fn naive_copy(
        &mut self,
        other: &Bitfield<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
        self_start: usize,
        other_start: usize,
        len: usize,
    ) {
        for i in 0..len {
            let self_index = self_start + i;
            let other_index = other_start + i;

            self.set_bit(self_index, other.bit(other_index));

/// Given an index into this bitfield's bits, get the index of
/// the byte that contains that bit as well as the index of the
/// bit within.
fn bb_index(index: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
    let byte_index = index / 8;
    let bit_index = index % 8;
    (byte_index, bit_index)

/// Is an index at a byte boundary?
fn distance_to_byte_boundary(index: usize) -> usize {
    // get the number of bytes we need to add for index to be
    // a multiple of 8
    let remainder = index % 8;
    if remainder == 0 {
    } else {
        8 - remainder

mod test {
    use super::Bitfield;

    fn get_bit() {
        // get the bits we're calculating
        let number = fastrand::u64(..);
        let mut bits = [false; 64];

        for i in 0..64 {
            bits[i] = (number & (1 << i)) != 0;

        // create a bitfield from the number
        let bitfield = Bitfield(number.to_le_bytes());

        // check that the bits are correct
        for i in 0..64 {
            assert_eq!(bits[i], bitfield.bit(i));

    fn set_bit() {
        let number = fastrand::u64(..);
        let mut bits = [false; 64];
        let mut changed_bits = [None; 64];

        // set bits as well as the bits to change
        for i in 0..64 {
            bits[i] = (number & (1 << i)) != 0;
            if fastrand::bool() {
                changed_bits[i] = Some(fastrand::bool());

        let mut bitfield = Bitfield(number.to_le_bytes());
        for (i, changed_bit) in (&changed_bits)
            .flat_map(|(i, b)| |b| (i, b)))
            bitfield.set_bit(i, changed_bit);

        for i in 0..64 {
            let mut bit = bits[i];
            if let Some(changed) = changed_bits[i] {
                bit = changed;

            assert_eq!(bit, bitfield.bit(i));

    fn copy_from() {
        for max_len in [62, 6] {
            let number1 = fastrand::u64(..);
            let number2 = fastrand::u64(..);

            let mut bits1 = [false; 64];
            let mut bits2 = [false; 64];

            for i in 0..64 {
                bits1[i] = (number1 & (1 << i)) != 0;
                bits2[i] = (number2 & (1 << i)) != 0;

            // copy some random amount of bytes from number2 to number1
            let len = fastrand::usize(1..max_len);
            let n1start = fastrand::usize(0..62 - len);
            let n2start = fastrand::usize(0..62 - len);

            let mut bitfield1 = Bitfield(number1.to_le_bytes());
            let bitfield2 = Bitfield(number2.to_le_bytes());

            // copy range
            bitfield1.copy_from(&bitfield2, n1start, n2start, len);

            // check
            let modrange = n1start..n1start + len;
            for i in 0..64 {
                if modrange.contains(&i) {
                    assert_eq!(bits2[n2start + (i - n1start)], bitfield1.bit(i));
                } else {
                    assert_eq!(bits1[i], bitfield1.bit(i));