bp7 0.1.12

Rust implementation of dtn bundle protocol 7 draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dtn-bpbis-12
# bp7-rs


Rust implementation of dtn bundle protocol 7 draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dtn-bpbis-13

This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data.

This is more or less a port of the dtn7 golang implementation: https://github.com/dtn7/dtn7

**This code is not production ready!**

## Benchmarking

A simple benchmark is shipped with the library. It (de)serializes Bundles with a primary block, bundle age block and a payload block with the contents (`b"ABC"`). This benchmark can be used to compare the rust implementation to the golang, python or java implementations. 

cargo run --release --example benchmark
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.29s
     Running `target/release/examples/benchmark`
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	174322 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	140298 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	135711 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	249272 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	181570 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	175844 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	291552 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	283297 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	275423 bundles/second

These numbers were generated on a MBP 13" 2018 with i5 CPU and 16GB of ram.