bp3d-os 1.0.0-alpha-3

Operating System tools designed for BlockProject3D



Operating system tools for BlockProject 3D.

This crate provides various platform specific tools to use by most BlockProject 3D software.


  • assets provides access to files bundled within the application (eg: AppImage for Linux and Application bundles for Apple systems).
  • dirs provides access to various system directories to place application data, logs, config, etc.
  • fs provides a few utilities to extend the Rust standard library around the platform file system such as managing hidden files or getting the absolute path of a file or directory.
  • open provides utilities to open URLs and files using the default registered application.

Supported platforms

Currently, the following platforms are supported:

  • macOS.
  • macOS (with App sandbox).
  • iOS.
  • Linux.
  • Windows.
  • Other BSD like systems.

Support for Android is currently not planned due to drastic restrictions on file sizes and largely increased complexity of interacting with the platform (No native C API, everything goes through JVM with some custom main function).

Support for the assets feature

Platform Tested Notes
macOS Yes Uses NSBundle API.
macOS (with app sandbox) Yes Uses NSBundle API.
iOS Yes Uses NSBundle API.
Linux Yes -
Windows No Uses GetModuleFileNameW.
Other BSD like systems No -

Support for the dirs feature

Platform Tested Notes
macOS Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
macOS (with app sandbox) Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
iOS Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
Linux Yes -
Windows No Uses SHGetKnownFolderPath.
Other BSD like systems Yes -

Support for the fs feature

Platform Tested Notes
macOS Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
macOS (with app sandbox) Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
iOS Yes Uses NSFileManager API.
Linux Yes -
Windows No -
Other BSD like systems Yes -

Support for the open feature

Platform Tested Notes
macOS Yes Uses NSWorkspace API.
macOS (with app sandbox) Yes Uses NSWorkspace API.
iOS No Not yet implemented.
Linux Yes Uses dbus and xdg-open.
Windows Yes Uses ShellExecuteW.
Other BSD like systems No Uses the same code as Linux.