bp-seals 0.10.3

Bitcoin protocol single-use-seals library
# Bitcoin protocol core library


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[![Apache-2 licensed](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/bp-core)](./LICENSE)

The library implements components necessary for [client-side-validation] in 
bitcoin protocol, specifically

- deterministic bitcoin commitments API ([LNPBP-1], [LNPBP-2], [LNPBP-3], [LNPBP-6], [LNPBP-11] & [LNPBP-12] standards)
- bitcoin-based single-use-seal API ([LNPBP-10] standards)

Client-side-validation is a paradigm for distributed computing, based on top of
proof-of-publication/commitment medium layer, which may be a bitcoin blockchain
or other type of distributed consensus system.

The development of the library is supported by [LNP/BP Standards Association][lnpbp-web]
and is performed on its [GitHub page][lnpbp-github].

The original idea of client-side-validation was proposed by Peter Todd with its
possible applications designed by Giacomo Zucco. It was shaped into the protocol
design by Dr Maxim Orlovsky with a big input from the community.

Minimum supported rust version for the library (MSRV) is 1.66 and 2021 rust

## Documentation

Detailed developer & API documentation for all libraries can be accessed at:
- <https://docs.rs/bp-core/>
- <https://docs.rs/bp-dbc/>
- <https://docs.rs/bp-seals/>
- <https://docs.rs/bp-primitives/>

To learn about the technologies enabled by the library please check
[slides from our tech presentations][presentations] and
[LNP/BP tech talks videos][lnpbp-youtube].

## Usage

The repository contains rust libraries for client-side validation.

### Use library in other projects

To use libraries, you just need latest version of libraries, published to
[crates.io](https://crates.io) into `[dependencies]` section of your project
`Cargo.toml`. Here is the full list of available libraries from this repository:

bp-primitives = "1" # Bitcoin protocol primitives crate
bp-dbc = "1" # Deterministic bitcoin commitments crate
bp-seals = "1" # Bitcoin single-use-seals crate
bp-core = "1" # Library including both of the previous crates

`bp-core` crate is an "umbrella" library containing both deterministic bitcoin
commitments and bitcoin seals crates inside.

## Known applications

The current list of the projects based on the library include:

- [RGB]https://github.com/LNP-BP/rgb-node: Confidential & scalable smart
  contracts for Bitcoin & Lightning
- [Bitcoin-based decentralized identity]https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2021-February/018381.html
  proposal uses single-use-seals

## Contributing

Contribution guidelines can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md)

## More information

### MSRV

This library requires minimum rust compiler version (MSRV) 1.66.0.

### Policy on altcoins

Altcoins and "blockchains" other than Bitcoin blockchain/Bitcoin protocols are
not supported and not planned to be supported; pull requests targeting them will
be declined.

### Licensing

The libraries are distributed on the terms of Apache 2.0 opensource license.
See [LICENCE](LICENSE) file for the license details.

[lnpbp-web]: https://lnp-bp.org
[lnpbp-github]: https://github.com/LNP-BP
[lnpbp-youtube]: https://www.youtube.com/@LNPBP
[presentations]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/FAQ/blob/master/Presentation%20slides/

[LNPBP-1]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0001.md
[LNPBP-2]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0002.md
[LNPBP-3]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0003.md
[LNPBP-6]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0006.md
[LNPBP-10]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0010.md
[LNPBP-11]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0011.md
[LNPBP-12]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs/blob/master/lnpbp-0012.md