boys 0.1.0

Different algorithms for calculating the Boys function
//! A Rust library for calculation of the Boys function
//! \\[ F_{n}(x) = \int_{0}^{1} t^{2n} e^{-xt^{2}} \mathop{dt} \\]
//! via a number of methods:
//! - An "exact" algorithm originally from [Radovan Bast](
//! - A non-clean-room reimplementation of [Michael Böhme's algorithm](
//! ## System dependencies
//! The [GNU Scientific Library]( (GSL) is used via the [`rgsl`]( crate to provide the gamma and incomplete gamma functions for the exact implementation and the error function for Michael Böhme's algorithm.
//! | OS/distro              | install command                    |
//! |------------------------|------------------------------------|
//! | Debian/Ubuntu          | `sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev` |
//! | Arch Linux             | `sudo pacman -S gsl`               |
//! | macOS (using Homebrew) | `brew install gsl`                 |
//! ## Literature
//! [S. F. Boys, *Proc R. Soc. Am.* **1950**, *200*, 542.](


/// An exact implementation using the gamma and incomplete gamma functions.
pub mod exact;
/// These are disabled until their correctness is confirmed.
mod jeffhammond;
pub mod micb25;