bounded-vec 0.2.0

Non-empty rust Vec wrapper with type guarantees on lower and upper bounds for items quantity.
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## bounded-vec
`BoundedVec<T, L, U>` - Non-empty rust `std::vec::Vec` wrapper with type guarantees on lower(`L`) and upper(`U`) bounds for items quantity. Inspired by [vec1](

## Example

use bounded_vec::BoundedVec;

let data: BoundedVec<u8, 2, 4> = [1u8,2].into();

assert_eq!(*data.first(), 1);
assert_eq!(*data.last(), 2);

// creates a new BoundedVec by mapping each element
let data = data.mapped(|x|x*2);
assert_eq!(data, [2u8,4].into());

## Changelog
See [](

## Contributing
See [Contributing]( guide.