pub trait BuilderWithPersianRug<C>: Sized where
    C: Context
{ type Result; fn build<'b, B>(self, context: B) -> (Self::Result, B)
        B: 'b + Mutator<Context = C>
; }
Available on crate feature persian-rug only.
Expand description

Something which can create a default object of some persian_rug::Contextual type.

persian-rug is a crate that provides arena based management for objects of different types. The natural reason to derive this trait over Builder is when your target type belongs to a persian_rug::Context.

The only required function in this trait is build which creates an object, using a Context, consuming the builder. Most builders will allow customisation of the produced object in some way.

An object implementing this trait will be automatically created for you as part of the BuildableWithPersianRug derive macro. That builder will have a method for each field of the result type, to customise its value, and will produce a default value for every field which is not customised.

Required Associated Types

The output type.

Required Methods

Create the final object. The context argument is a persian_rug::Mutator. It is not a mutable reference to a mutator, so it cannot be reborrowed, instead it must be returned for re-use, without being consumed.


use boulder::BuilderWithPersianRug;
use persian_rug::{contextual, persian_rug, Mutator};

struct Foo {
   a: i32

struct State (
  #[table] Foo,

struct FooBuilder {
   a: i32

impl BuilderWithPersianRug<State> for FooBuilder {
   type Result = Foo;
   fn build<'b, B>(self, mutator: B) -> (Self::Result, B)
      B: 'b + Mutator<Context = State>
      (Foo { a: self.a }, mutator)

let mut s = State(Default::default());
let b = FooBuilder { a: 3 };
let (f, _) = s);
assert_eq!(f.a, 3);
