boulder 0.1.1

Like a builder, but heavier.

This crate is based around two derive macros, Buildable and Generatable which provide a method to construct a Builder and Generator respectively for your type, wrapping up a lot of boilerplate within them.


A Builder is a way to create a single object, specifying only the fields you wish to give non-default values. The default values are specified using attributes on your type for ease of reading. Each field gains a method of the same type in the builder which can be be used to customise it.


use boulder::{Builder, Buildable};
struct Foo {
pub a: i32,
pub b: String,

let f = Foo::builder()
assert_eq!(f.a, 27);
assert_eq!(f.b, "hello".to_string());


A Generator is a way to create an infinite sequence of objects, again specifying only the function for generating the fields you wish to have non-default sequences. The default sequences are specified using attributes on your type for ease of reading. Each field gains a method of the same type in the generator which can be be used to customise the sequence of values it takes between objects.


use boulder::{gen, Generator, Generatable};
struct Bar {
pub a: i32,
#[boulder(generator=gen::Pattern!("hello-{}-foo", gen::Inc(5i32)))]
pub b: String,

let mut n = 2;
let mut gen = Bar::generator();
gen.a(move || {
n = n + 2;

let bar1 = gen.generate();
assert_eq!(bar1.a, 4);
assert_eq!(bar1.b, "hello-5-foo".to_string());

let bar2 = gen.generate();
assert_eq!(bar2.a, 6);
assert_eq!(bar2.b, "hello-6-foo".to_string());