boticordrs 0.1.3

Crate for BotiCord API
boticordrs = "0.1.3"

boticordrs doesn't require using Serenity or Twilight. It makes working with the BotiCord API easier. There are only some methods to use, but it's all what do we have in BotiCord API.

If you have any questions you can ask Marakarka#0575 on discord.

BotiCord Webhooks are not implemented in boticordrs.

There is an example (with serenity). You can find it in the examples folder in our repository.

use boticordrs::{BoticordClient};
use boticordrs::types::{BotStats};

async fn main() {
    let client = BoticordClient::new("your token".to_string(), 2).expect("failed client");

    let stats = BotStats {servers: 2514, shards: 3, users: 338250};

    match client.post_bot_stats(stats).await {
        Ok(_) => {
            println!("Well Done!")
        Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e),